\name{RsamtoolsFile} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{RsamtoolsFile-class} \alias{index} \alias{path} \alias{path,RsamtoolsFile-method} \alias{isOpen,RsamtoolsFile-method} \alias{show,RsamtoolsFile-method} \title{A base class for managing file references in Rsamtools} \description{ \code{RsamtoolsFile} is a base class for managing file references in \pkg{Rsamtools}; it is not intended for direct use by users -- see, e.g., \code{\link{BamFile}}. } \usage{ ## accessors index(object) \S4method{path}{RsamtoolsFile}(object, ...) \S4method{isOpen}{RsamtoolsFile}(con, rw="") \S4method{show}{RsamtoolsFile}(object) } \arguments{ \item{con, object}{An instance of a class derived from \code{RsamtoolsFile}.} \item{rw}{Mode of file; ignored.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, unused.} } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Users do not directly create instances of this class; see, e.g., \code{\link{BamFile}-class}. } \section{Fields}{ The \code{RsamtoolsFile} class is implemented as an S4 reference class. It has the following fields: \describe{ \item{.extptr}{An \code{externalptr} initialized to an internal structure with opened bam file and bam index pointers.} \item{path}{A character(1) vector of the file name.} \item{index}{A character(1) vector of the index file name.} } } \section{Functions and methods}{ Accessors: \describe{ \item{path}{Returns a character(1) vector of BAM path names.} \item{index}{Returns a character(1) vector of BAM index path names.} } Methods: \describe{ \item{isOpen}{Report whether the file is currently open.} \item{show}{Compactly display the object.} } } \author{Martin Morgan} \keyword{classes}