\name{agwrite} \alias{agwrite} \alias{agread} \title{A function to write a Ragraph object to a file} \description{ This function will take a \code{Ragraph} object and write it out in DOT format to a file. } \usage{ agwrite(graph, filename) } \arguments{ \item{graph}{An object of class \code{Ragraph}} \item{filename}{ The output filename} } \details{ This function is a wrapper to the agwrite() call in Graphviz. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{agopen}}, \code{\link{agread}}} \examples{ V <- letters[1:10] M <- 1:4 g1 <- randomGraph(V, M, .2) z <- agopen(g1,"foo",layout=FALSE) agwrite(z,tempfile()) } \keyword{graphs}