\name{loadPairFile} \alias{loadPairFile} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{A routine to read Nimblegen tiling array intensities} \description{ Reads a file in Nimblegen pair format, returning log2 intensities of probes referenced by the supplied ndf data frame. } \usage{ loadPairFile(filename = NULL, ndf = NULL, ncols = 768) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{filename}{the name of the pair file which intensities are to be read from.} \item{ndf}{a data frame produced by \code{\link{processNDF}}.} \item{ncols}{the number of columns of probes on the array - must be the same value as used in \code{processNDF}. The default works for 385K format arrays.} } \details{ Reads in intensities from the specified pair file, then matches probes against those specified in the supplied ndf. } \value{ a \code{vector} of log2 intensities, the number of rows of the supplied \code{ndf} in length. } \author{Aaron Statham} \seealso{\code{\link{loadSampleDirectory}} for reading multiple pair files with the same ndf. \code{\link{processNDF}}} \examples{ # Not run # ## Read in the NDF file # ndfAll <- processNDF("080310_HG18_chr7RSFS_AS_ChIP.ndf") # ## Subset the NDF to only probes against chromosomes # ndf <- ndfAll[grep("^chr", ndfAll$chr),] # ## Read in a pair file using the chromosome only NDF # arrayIntensity <- loadPairFile("Pairs/Array1_532.pair", ndf) # }