\name{genQC} \alias{genQC} \alias{genQC,character-method} \alias{genQC,SequenceQCSet-method} \title{Plot Quality Checking Information for Sequencing Data} \description{A series of quality control plots for sequencing data are made.} \usage{ \S4method{genQC}{character}(qc.data, ...) \S4method{genQC}{SequenceQCSet}(qc.data, expt = "Experiment") } \arguments{ \item{qc.data}{A vector of character strings, each containing an absolute path to an RData file of a \code{\linkS4class{SequenceQC}} object, or a \code{\linkS4class{SequenceQC}} set object.} \item{expt}{The names of the experiments which the lanes are about.} \item{...}{The \code{expt} argument, which is not directly used in the \code{character} method.} } \value{ The function is called for its output. The output is multiple pages, so the pdf device should be called before this function is. } \details{ \code{qc.data} can be named, in which case this gives the names of the lanes used in the plotting. Otherwise the lanes will be given the names \code{"Lane 1"}, \code{"Lane 2"}, ..., \code{"Lane n"}. } \author{Dario Strbenac} \references{ FastQC: \url{http://www.bioinformatics.bbsrc.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/} } \examples{ \dontrun{ qc.files <- list.files(qc.dir, "QC.*RData", full.names = TRUE) genQC(qc.files, "My Simple Experiment") } }