\name{RedPort} \alias{RedPort} \title{ The constructor for the RedPort class. } \description{ Constructor to build RedeR interface via XML-RPC (remote procedure call) server. } \usage{ RedPort(title = 'default', host = '', port = 9091, jclass = 'reder/rj/CanvasR') } \arguments{ \item{title}{ A character string representing the XML-RPC port. } \item{host}{ The domain name of the machine that is running the RedeR XML-RPC server. } \item{port}{ An integer specifying the port on which the XML-RPC server should listen. } \item{jclass}{ A character string specifying the RedeR Java class that should wrap up R graphics. } } \value{ An object of the RedPort Class. } \seealso{ \code{\link[RedeR:calld]{calld}} } \author{ Mauro Castro } \examples{ rdp <- RedPort('MyPort') } \keyword{ graph }