\name{plot} \docType{methods} \alias{plot} \alias{plot,OptimizedHierarchy,ANY-method} \alias{plot,OptimizedHierarchy-method} \title{Plots an optimized cellular hierarchy} \description{ Plots an optimized cellular hierarchy } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{OptimizedHierarchy,ANY}(x, phenotypeScores, uniformColors = FALSE, ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, colors = c("blue", "cyan", "yellow", "red"), edgeWeights = TRUE, edgeLabels = TRUE, nodeLabels = TRUE, min.score = NA, max.score = NA, cell.proportions = NULL, min.proportion = NA, max.proportion = NA, proportion.colors = c("black", "white"), node.lwd = 5, root.name = "All Cells", legend.size=1.25) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An OptimizedHierarchy object as generated by RchyOptimyx.} \item{phenotypeScores}{The score vector used for determining the colors of the nodes.} \item{uniformColors}{Boolean variable. If TRUE, the graph will not have any colors.} \item{ylab}{y-axis label of the density plot on the right.} \item{xlab}{x-axis label of the density plot of the phenotype cell proportion in the buttom.} \item{colors}{Color vector indicating colors to be used in the right pallet.} \item{edgeWeights}{Boolean value indicating weather edgeWeights should be plotted or not.} \item{edgeLabels}{Boolean value indicating weather edgeLabels should be plotted or not.} \item{nodeLabels}{Boolean value indicating weather nodeLabels should be plotted or not.} \item{min.score}{Double value indicating the minimum value of scores. Default value will use minimum node scores of the given \code{OptimizedHierarchy} object.} \item{max.score}{Double value indicating the maximum value of scores. Default value will use maximum node scores of the given \code{OptimizedHierarchy} object.} \item{cell.proportions}{The score vector used to determine the color of node borders to illustrate phenotype cell proportions.} \item{min.proportion}{Double value indicating the minimum value of the cell proportions. Default value will use minimum cell proportion of the given \code{OptimizedHierarchy} object.} \item{max.proportion}{Double value indicating the minimum value of the cell proportions. Default value will use minimum cell proportion of the given \code{OptimizedHierarchy} object.} \item{proportion.colors}{Color vector indicating colors to be used in the buttom pallet.} \item{node.lwd}{Integer value indicating node border width.} \item{root.name}{Character value indicating the root node's name.} \item{legend.size}{Size of the color legend in inches.} } \author{ Nima Aghaeepour \email{} and Adrin Jalali \email{} } \seealso{ \code{\link{RchyOptimyx-methods}} } \keyword{print}