\name{convertToDr} \alias{convertToDr} \title{Converts genomic data to a list suitable for computing gene-to-phenotype scores} \description{ \code{convertToDr} converts genomic data into a list further used for computing gene-to-phenotype association scores.} \usage{ convertToDr(dataIntersection, response, nPlatforms = length(data)) } \arguments{ \item{dataIntersection}{a list of data.frames containing genomic measurements. Each element of \code{dataIntersection} must account for the same set of patients(columns) and genes (rows)} \item{response}{a data.frame indicating patients' phenotypic class} \item{nPlatforms}{numeric, the number of genomic platforms} } \details{ This function coverts a list of data.frames containing distinct genomic measurtements performed on the same patients into a gene-centered used in further analyses for computing gene-to-phenotype scores. Data.frame in the input list (\code{dataIntersection}) must have the same dimentions, with columns being patients, and rows being genes. Column names identify the patients, while rownames identify the genes. The argument \code{response} is used to pass phenotypic information about samples to be analyzed. This is a simple two columns data.frame in which the first column correspond to patients identifiers, and the second column to the phenotypic response encoded as binary class (using the integers 0 and 1). The \code{nPlatforms} argument specifies the number of platforms that will be analyzed. } \value{ A list of data.frames, one for each analyzed gene, summarizing all genomic measurements and phenotipic information across patients and platforms. } %\note{ %BLA %} \references{ Svitlana Tyekucheva, Luigi Marchionni, Rachel Karchin,and Giovanni Parmigiani "Integrating diverse genomic data using gene sets." Manuscript submitted. } \author{ Luigi Marchionni \email{marchion@jhu.edu} } %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ ###load data data(exampleData) ###convert dataDr <- convertToDr(dat, pheno, 4) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{manip}