\name{ratioTransform} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{ratioTransform} \title{ RATIO TRANSFORMATION OF RTCA DATA } \description{ Performs ratio transformation (normalisation) of RTCA data, as recommended by the producer Roche. } \usage{ ratioTransform(object, time) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of \code{\linkS4class{RTCA}}} \item{time}{numeric, the time point used to normalize the whole series of data} } \details{ The \emph{xCelligence} software provided by Roche performs ratio transform implicitly by dividing the time-series impedance measurement by the value of a selected time point (so-called 'base-time'), for instance 5 hours after compound transfection, in each cell. The aim of this transformation was to scale (normalize) the data of different wells, since the normalized values of all wells are uniformly 1 at the base-time. However, this method is vulnerable to arbitrary selection of the time point chosen to normalize. It may be helpful to try several base-time values before comparing normalized results. See \code{\link{derivativeTransform}} and \code{\link{rgrTransform}} for other normalization (scaling) possibilities. } \value{ An object of \code{\linkS4class{RTCA}}, populated with normalized value. The normalized values of all wells are uniformly 1 at the base-time. } \author{ Jitao David Zhang \email{jitao_david.zhang@roche.com} } \seealso{ \code{\link{smoothTransform}} and \code{\link{interpolationTransform}} for smoothing and interpolating the RTCA data. \code{\link{rgrTransform}} calculates relative growth rate, \code{derivativeTransform} calculates derivatitve. The later two methods are not sensative to the selection of base-time point. } \examples{ require(RTCA) ofile <- system.file("/extdata/testOutput.csv", package="RTCA") x <- parseRTCA(ofile) xNorm <- ratioTransform(x, 35) }