\name{interpolationTransform} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{interpolationTransform} \title{ TRANSFORM RTCA DATA WITH INTERPOLATION } \description{ Interpolate RTCA data } \usage{ interpolationTransform(object, interval=0.01, method=c("linear","constant","fmm","periodic","natural", "monoH.FC")) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An \code{RTCA} object} \item{\dots}{other parameters, \code{interval} and \code{method} are implemented, see below} \item{interval}{numeric, the interval between interpolated points, set to 0.01 by default} \item{method}{character, specifying the method for interpolation, \dQuote{linear} by default (for linear interpolation). Allowed options are: \dQuote{linear} and \dQuote{constant} for \code{approx} interpolation, and \dQuote{fmm}, \dQuote{periodic}, \dQuote{natural} and \dQuote{monoH.FC} for cubic spline interpolation} } \details{ Since most RTCA experiements record the experiments in the irregular time-series, sometimes however it is desired to have regular intervals. \code{interpolationTransform} interpolate between data points to estimate results of regular intervals. Two classes of interpolations are supported by now: linear (using \code{\link{approx}}) and cubic spline (\code{\link{spline}}) interpolation. By default linear interpolation is used. } \value{ An interpolated object of \code{\linkS4class{RTCA}}. } \author{Jitao David Zhang \email{jitao_david.zhang@roche.com}} \seealso{ \code{\link{rgrTransform}} stands for \emph{relative growth rate transformation}, \code{\link{ratioTransform}} for ratio normalization adopted by Roche commercial software. \code{\link{smoothTransform}} to smooth the RTCA readout. } \examples{ require(RTCA) ofile <- system.file("/extdata/testOutput.csv", package="RTCA") x <- parseRTCA(ofile) xInter <- interpolationTransform(x) } \keyword{ ts }