\name{summarize.batches} \alias{summarize.batches} \title{Summarize batches} \description{Probeset summarization in batches} \usage{ summarize.batches(sets, variances, batches, load.batches = FALSE, mc.cores = 1, cdf = NULL, bg.method = "rma", normalization.method = "quantiles", verbose = TRUE, quantile.basis) } \arguments{ \item{sets}{Probesets to summarize} \item{variances}{Precalculated probe-specific variances} \item{batches}{Data batches for online learning} \item{load.batches}{Logical. Load precalculated data for the batches.} \item{mc.cores}{Number of cores for parallel computation} \item{cdf}{CDF for alternative probeset definitions} \item{bg.method}{Background correction method} \item{normalization.method}{Normalization method} \item{verbose}{Print progress information} \item{quantile.basis}{Basis for quantile normalization} } \details{Sweeps through the batches. Summarizes the probesets within each batch based on the precalculated model parameters using point estimates of the model.} \value{Expression matrix: probesets x samples.} \references{See citation("RPA").} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} %\seealso{} \examples{ # } \keyword{ utilities }