\name{get.probe.noise.estimates} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{get.probe.noise.estimates} \title{Fetch probe-level noise estimates from an rpa object} \description{Provides estimates of probe-level noise, given by the RPA algorithm.} \usage{get.probe.noise.estimates(rpa.res, sets = NULL, normalization = NULL, verbose = FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{rpa.res }{An rpa object.} \item{sets }{Probesets to check.} \item{normalization }{Optional normalization for probe noise estimates.} The higher the value, the higher the probe-level noise. By default, probe-level variances of the RPA model are returned. Other options include: "withinset.weights": The relative weight of a probe within probeset is determined by the relative noise of the probe with respect to the other probes in the same probeset. This option returns the inverse of probe-specific weights within each probeset. This can be used to normalize probe-level weights to improve comparability across probesets. "withinset.relative": The detected probe-level noise can be coupled with overall signal levels of the probeset. This option provides an estimate of probe-wise standard deviation normalized by the standard deviation of the probeset-level signal d. "withinset.categorical": In some applications it can be sufficient to investigate the relative order of the probes, ignoring the parameter estimates. This option indexes the probes according to their reliability within each probeset. Probes with higher indices are more noisy. \item{verbose }{Print progress information during computation.} } \details{The normalization options are included to improve comparability across probesets. The higher the variance, the more noisy the probe. Inverse of the variance, can be used to quantitate probe reliability. Note that the relative weight of a probe within probeset is determined by the relative noise of the probe with respect to the other probes in the same probeset. Comparison of probe-specific variances across probesets may benefit from normalization of this effect. Therefore optional normalizations for probe noise estimation are provided.} \value{A list. Each element corresponds to one probeset (of the input object). The element lists noise estimates for each probe within the probeset.} \references{Probabilistic Analysis of Probe Reliability in Differential Gene Expression Studies with Short Oligonucleotide Arrays. Lahti et al., TCBB/IEEE 2011. See http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/RPA.html} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \seealso{RPA.pointestimate} \examples{ ## Load example data set require(affydata) data(Dilution) ## Compute RPA rpa.results <- RPA.pointestimate(Dilution, set = "1000_at") noise <- get.probe.noise.estimates(rpa.results) } \keyword{ methods }