\name{get.batches} \alias{get.batches} \title{Split data into batches} \description{Splits data into batches} \usage{ get.batches(items, batch.size, shuffle = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{items}{A vector of items to be splitted into batches.} \item{batch.size}{Batch size. The last batch may contain less elements than the other batches which have batch.size elements each.} \item{shuffle}{Split the elements randomly in the batches.} } %\details{} \value{A list. Each element corresponds to one batch and contains a vector listing the elements in that batch.} \references{See citation("RPA").} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \seealso{RPA.preprocess} \examples{ # } \keyword{ utilities }