\name{RPA.preprocess} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{RPA.preprocess} \title{Preprocess AffyBatch object for RPA.} \description{Background correction, quantile normalization and log2-transformation for probe-level raw data in abatch. Then probe-level differential expression is computed between the specified 'reference' array (cind) and the other arrays.} \usage{RPA.preprocess(abatch, bg.method = "rma", normalization.method = "quantiles.robust", cdf = NULL, cel.files = NULL, cel.path = NULL)} \arguments{ \item{abatch }{An AffyBatch object.} \item{bg.method }{Specify background correction method. See bgcorrect.methods(abatch) for options.} \item{normalization.method }{Specify normalization method. See normalize.methods(abatch) for options. For memory-efficient online version, use "quantiles.online".} \item{cdf }{The CDF environment used in the analysis.} \item{cel.files}{List of CEL files to preprocess.} \item{cel.path}{Path to CEL file directory.} } \details{Probe-specific variance estimates are robust against the choice of reference array.} \value{ \item{fcmat }{Probes x arrays preprocessed differential expression matrix.} \item{cind }{Specifies which array in abatch was selected as a reference in calculating probe-level differential expression.} \item{cdf }{The CDF environment used in the analysis.} \item{set.inds }{Indices for probes in each probeset, corresponding to the rows of fcmat.} } \references{See citation("RPA").} \author{Leo Lahti } \seealso{AffyBatch} \keyword{ methods }