\name{RPA.dcost} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{RPA.dcost} \title{Cost function for d.} \description{Internal function.} \usage{RPA.dcost(d, sigma2, S)} \arguments{ \item{d }{A vector. Estimated 'true' signal underlying the noisy probe-level observations.} \item{sigma2 }{A vector of probe-specific variances.} \item{S }{Matrix of probe-level observations for a single probeset: samples x probes.} } \value{Cost for d, given S and sigma2.} \references{Probabilistic Analysis of Probe Reliability in Differential Gene Expression Studies with Short Oligonucleotide Arrays. Lahti et al., TCBB/IEEE. See http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/RPA.html} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \seealso{RPA.iteration} \keyword{ internal }