\name{pltprior} \alias{pltprior} \title{ A function to visualize the shape of the prior on the weights with the chosen q and s parameters. } \description{ This function helps visualize the effect of the parameters \emph{q} and \emph{s} on the prior distribution used on the weights. } \usage{ pltprior(q, s) } \arguments{ \item{q}{ One of the two parameters used to determine the prior on the weights. } \item{s}{ The second of two parameters used to determine the prior on the weights. } } \details{ The prior assumed on the weights in the objective function takes on the following formulation: \deqn{[L_q(\beta; q, s)= \frac{\frac{{q^{(q-1)}} {q}} {2s\Gamma(\frac{{1}{q}})}} exp(\frac{{-1}{qs^q}} |\emph{weights}|^q)} } \value{ A 3D plot of the value of the prior taking into consideration only two weights} \references{ Mazur J., et al. Reconstructing nonlinear dynamic models of gene regulation using stochastic sampling. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} 2009;10;448 } \author{ Douaa Mugahid } \seealso{ \code{\link{pltgamma}} } \examples{ pltprior(q=1,s=1)} \keyword{Lq-Norm prior}