\name{makeQaTask} \alias{makeQaTask} \alias{qaCheckList} \alias{tubesevents} \alias{db} \title{ Create a list of \code{qaTask} objects } \description{ Create a list of qaTask objects by reading external csv spreadsheet containing descriptions of each QA task. } \usage{ makeQaTask(db,checkListFile) } \arguments{ \item{db}{ An environment storing all the QA data.} \item{checkListFile}{A character scalar giving the file path, which is a csv spreadsheet contains the detailed information of each QA task. It should have the columns: qaID,qaName,description,qaLevel,pop,formula,plotType. See the slots of \code{\link{qaTask}} for more details. } } \details{ This is a convenient way to construct multiple \code{qaTask}s. Users can also create the individual \code{qaTask} by using \code{new} method. } \value{ a list of \code{qaTask} objects } \author{ Mike Jiang,Greg Finak Maintainer: Mike Jiang } \seealso{ \code{\link{qaTask}},\code{\link{qaReport}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ checkListFile<-file.path(system.file("data",package="QUALIFIER"),"qaCheckList.csv.gz") qaTask.list<-makeQaTask(db,checkListFile) } } \keyword{functions}