\name{getQAStats} \docType{methods} \alias{getQAStats} \alias{getQAStats-methods} \alias{getQAStats,environment-method} \alias{getQAStats,GatingSet-method} \alias{getQAStats,GatingHierarchy-method} \alias{saveToDB} \title{ Calculate and extract the statistics from the gating hierarchies. } \description{ Calculate and extract statistics of each gated cell population in the gating hierarchies generated by flowWorkspace package. } \usage{ getQAStats(obj,...) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{ A \code{\link[=GatingHierarchy-class]{gating hierarchy}} that stores the gated cell populations for one FCS file; or a \code{\link[=GatingSet-class]{GatingSet}} containing multiple \code{gating hierarchies} or an \code{environment} that stores the \code{GatingSet} and all other information. } \item{...}{ isFlowCore: A logical scalar indicating whether the statistics are the original ones in flowJo xml workspace or the re-calculated version by flowCore in R. nslaves: An integer scalar indicating the number of nodes used for parallel computing when obj is \code{GatingHierarchy} or \code{GatingSet}. When the \code{parallel} package is loaded and nslaves is NULL, its value is automatically decided by available number of nodes. When it is set to 1, then forced to run in serial mode. } } \details{ This is the second preprocessing step followed by parsing gating template from flowJo workspace with \code{\link{parseWorkspace}}. Different QA checks can be performed after this step is done. when obj is an \code{environment} the results are stored as a dataframe with the name of "statsOfGS" in the environment. } \value{ a data frame when obj is a \code{GatingHierarchy} or \code{GatingSet}, } \author{ Mike Jiang,Greg Finak Maintainer: Mike Jiang } \seealso{\code{\link{qaCheck}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ load(file="gatingHierarchy/GS.Rda") saveToDB(db,G,anno)##append the annotation and Gating set to db getQAStats(G[[1]])#extract stats from a gating hierarchy getQAStats(G)#from a gating set getQAStats(db,nslaves=10)#from an environment that contains a gating set } } \keyword{methods}