\name{ID2name} \docType{data} \alias{ID2name} \title{Map of gene IDs to gene names} \description{Entrez gene identifiers used in the \code{KEGG.db} package are mapped to the gene names used in the data from the Parsons et al. study.} \usage{data(ID2name)} \format{ Vector having as names the Entrez gene identifiers used in the \code{KEGG.db} package and as entries the gene names used in the data objects available through \code{data(Parsons)}. } \references{ Boca S.M., Kinzler K., Velculescu V.E., Vogelstein B., Parmigiani G. Patient-oriented gene-set analysis for cancer mutation data. \emph{Submitted}, 2010. } \author{ Simina M. Boca, Giovanni Parmigiani. } \seealso{ \code{do.gene.set.analysis}, \code{sim.data.p.values} } \keyword{datasets}