\name{CoverageBrain} \docType{data} \alias{CoverageBrain} \alias{Coverage} \title{Data from Parsons et al. study: Total number of nucleotides "at risk"} \description{Total numbers of nucleotides "at risk" that were successfully sequenced in RefSeq genes in the Parsons et al. glioblastoma study.} \usage{data(Parsons)} \format{ Total number of nucleotides available for mutations in the glioblastoma study from Parsons et al., broken down by gene, study phase (Discovery or Validation), and mutation type. For this study, there was only a Discovery stage. The nucleotides availables for indels are all the successfully sequenced nucletides in a gene. The nucleotides availables for other mutations are excluding nucleotides who can only give rise to synonymous mutations. It also includes the total number of samples analyzed in each phase for each gene. } \references{ Parsons DW, Jones S, Zhang X, Lin JCH, Leary RJ, Angenendt P, Mankoo P, Carter H, Siu I, et al. An Integrated Genomic Analysis of Human Glioblastoma Multiforme. \emph{Science.} DOI: 10.1126/science.1164382 Parmigiani G, Lin J, Boca S, Sjoeblom T, Kinzler WK, Velculescu VE, Vogelstein B. Statistical methods for the analysis of cancer genome sequencing data. \url{http://www.bepress.com/jhubiostat/paper126/} Boca S.M., Kinzler K., Velculescu V.E., Vogelstein B., Parmigiani G. Patient-oriented gene-set analysis for cancer mutation data. \emph{Submitted}, 2010. } \author{ Simina M. Boca, Giovanni Parmigiani. } \seealso{ \code{do.gene.set.analysis}, \code{sim.data.p.values}, \code{SimMethodsSims-class}, \code{EventsBySampleBrain}, \code{GeneSizes08}, \code{MutationsBrain} } \keyword{datasets}