\name{segReads} \alias{segReads} \alias{segReads-class} \alias{map} \alias{map,segReads-method} \alias{map,segReadsList-method} \alias{\%in\%,ANY,segReads-method} \title{Segment the genome into candidate regions} \description{ Pre-process bidirectional aligned reads data from a single ChIP-Seq experiment to detect candidate regions with a minimum number of forward and reverse reads. These candidate regions will then be processed by PING. } \usage{ segReads(yF, yR, cF, cR, map, chr) } \arguments{ \item{yF}{This object contains an ExpressionSet} \item{yR}{ String containing the genome name used (vector).} \item{cF}{ String containing the name of chromosome used (vector).} \item{cR}{ String containing the Position of the sequences (vector).} \item{map}{ String containing the copy number of sequence (vector).} \item{chr}{ String containing the expresion data of enriched region (matrix with n column.} } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{map}{\code{signature(x = "ping")}: subset PING object.} } } \references{ Xuekui Zhang, Gordon Robertson, Sangsoon Woo, Brad G. Hoffman, and Raphael Gottardo, "Probabilistic Inference for Nucleosome Positioning with MNase-based or Sonicated Short-read Data" PlosONE, under review. } \author{ Xuekui Zhang <\email{xzhang@stat.ubc.ca}>, Sangsoon Woo, \email{swoo@fhcrc.org} and Raphael Gottardo <\email{raphael.gottardo@ircm.qc.ca}> } \seealso{ \code{\link{ping}} } \keyword{models}