\name{mulSSE} \alias{mulSSE} \alias{mulSSE} \title{MulCom Sum of Square Error} \description{ Computes sum of square errors for all the experimental points in the datasets Should not be called directly } \usage{ mulSSE(vec, index) } \arguments{ \item{vec}{a numeric vector with data measurements} \item{index}{a numeric vector with the labels of the samples. 0 are the control samples. number should be progressive} } \value{ \item{vec}{a numeric vector with data measurements} \item{index}{a numeric vector with the labels of the samples. 0 are the control samples. number must be progressive} } \details{ \code{mulSSE} An internal function that should not be called directly. It calculates sum of square error in the groups defined in the index class vector. } \author{Claudio Isella, \email{claudio.isella@ircc.it}} \keyword{MulCom}