\name{mulDiff} \alias{mulDiff} \title{MulCom Test Differential analysis} \description{ Identify the differentially expressed features for a specific comparison with given m and t value } \usage{ mulDiff(eset, Mulcom_P, m, t, ind) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{An ExpressionSet object from package affy} \item{Mulcom_P}{An object of class Mulcom_P} \item{m}{the m values for the analysis} \item{t}{the t values for the analysis} \item{ind}{and index refeing to te comparison, should be numeric} } \value{ \item{eset}{An ExpressionSet object from package affy} \item{Mulcom_P}{An object of class Mulcom_P} \item{m}{the m values for the analysis} \item{t}{the t values for the analysis} \item{ind}{and index refeing to te comparison, should be numeric} } \examples{ data(benchVign) mulcom_perm <- mulPerm(Affy, Affy$Groups, 10, 7) mulcom_diff <- mulDiff(Affy, mulcom_perm, 0.2, 2) } \author{Claudio Isella, \email{claudio.isella@ircc.it}} \keyword{MulCom}