\name{occurences} \alias{cooccurences} \alias{occurences} \title{Motifs Occurences and Co-occurences} \description{ Get the number of motifs occurences and co-occurences from a \code{rGADEM} object. } \usage{ occurences(gadem) cooccurences(x) } \arguments{ \item{gadem}{An object of type \code{rGADEM}.} \item{x}{A contingency table.} } \value{\code{occurences} returns the contingency table of the number of motifs per sequences. This object can be put in \code{cooccurences} to return the number of sequences where two motifs appear together. } \author{Eloi Mercier <\email{emercier@chibi.ubc.ca}>} \examples{ data("FOXA1_rGADEM") oc <- occurences (gadem) coc <- cooccurences (oc) coc } \keyword{misc}