\name{xvalSpec} \alias{xvalSpec} \alias{xvalSpec-class} \title{container for information specifying a cross-validated machine learning exercise} \description{container for information specifying a cross-validated machine learning exercise} \usage{ xvalSpec( type, niter=0, partitionFunc=function(data, classLab, iternum ) { (1:nrow(data))[-iternum] }, fsFun = function(formula, data) formula ) } \arguments{ \item{type}{a string, "LOO" indicating leave-one-out cross-validation, or "LOG" indicating leave-out-group, or "NOTEST", indicating the entire dataset is used in a single training run.} \item{niter}{numeric specification of the number of cross-validation iterations to use. Ignored if \code{type} is \code{"LOO"}.} \item{partitionFunc}{function, with parameters data (bound to data.frame), clab (bound to character string), iternum (bound to numeric index into sequence of 1:\code{niter}). This function's job is to provide the indices of training cases for each cross-validation step. An example is \code{\link{balKfold.xvspec}}, which computes a series of indices that are approximately balanced with respect to frequency of outcome types.} \item{fsFun}{function, with parameters formula, data. The function must return a formula suitable for defining a model on the basis of the main input data. A candidate fsFun is given in example for fsHistory function.} } \details{ If \code{type == "LOO"}, no other parameters are inspected. If \code{type == "LOG"} a value for \code{partitionFunc} must be supplied. We recommend using \code{balKfold.xvspec(K)}. The values of \code{niter} and \code{K} in this usage must be the same. This redundancy will be removed in a future upgrade. If the \code{parallel} package is attached and symbol \code{mc_fork} is loaded, cross-validation will be distributed to cores using \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}. } % end details \value{ An instance of \code{\linkS4class{classifierOutput}}, with a special structure. The \code{RObject} return slot is populated with a list of \code{niter} cross-validation results. Each element of this list is itself a list with two elements: \code{test.idx} (the indices of the test set for the associated cross-validation iteration, and \code{mlans}, the \code{\linkS4class{classifierOutput}} generated at each iteration. Thus there are \code{classifierOutput} instances nested within the main \code{classifierOutput} returned when a \code{xvalSpec} is used. } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(crabs) set.seed(1234) # # demonstrate cross validation # nn1cv = MLearn(sp~CW+RW, data=crabs, nnetI, xvalSpec("LOG", 5, balKfold.xvspec(5)), size=3, decay=.01 ) nn1cv confuMat(nn1cv) names(RObject(nn1cv)[[1]]) RObject(RObject(nn1cv)[[1]]$mlans) } \keyword{ models }