\name{parseKGML2DataFrame} \alias{parseKGML2DataFrame} \title{Parse KGML file into a data frame} \description{ This function extends the \code{\link{parseKGML2Graph}} function, by converting the resulting graph into a three-column data frame representing out-nodes (the \code{from} column in the data frame), in-nodes (\code{to}) and subtypes of edges that connect them (\code{subtype}). It can be used, for example, for exporting KEGG pathway networks in plain text files. } \usage{ parseKGML2DataFrame(file, ...) } \arguments{ \item{file}{A KGML file} \item{\dots}{Other parameters passed to \code{\link{KEGGpathway2Graph}}} } \details{The out- and in-nodes are represented in the form of KEGG identifiers. For human EntrezIDs the function \code{\link{translateKEGGID2GeneID}} can be used. Multile edges are supported: in case more than one subtypes of edges exist between two nodes, they are all listed in the resulting data frame. } \value{A three-column data frame, representing the graph structure: out-nodes (the \code{from} column), in-nodes (\code{to}) and edge subtype (\code{subtype}).} \author{Jitao David Zhang} \seealso{ \code{\link{parseKGML2Graph}}, \code{\link{KEGGpathway2Graph}} and \code{\link{translateKEGGID2GeneID}}. } \examples{ sfile <- system.file("extdata/hsa04010.xml",package="KEGGgraph") gdf <- parseKGML2DataFrame(sfile) head(gdf) dim(gdf) ## not expanding genes: only the KGML-specific identifiers are used then ## only for expert use ## NOT RUN gdf.ne <- parseKGML2DataFrame(sfile, expandGenes=FALSE) dim(gdf.ne) head(gdf.ne) ## NOT RUN }