%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % idMapDiffCounts.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{plot.IdMapDiffCounts} \alias{plot.IdMapDiffCounts} \alias{IdMapDiffCounts.plot} \alias{plot.IdMapDiffCounts} \alias{plot,IdMapDiffCounts-method} \title{Produce a fountain plot representing the quantitative relationship of the compound events} \description{ Produce a fountain plot representing the quantitative relationship of the compound events <'excess both', 'excess left', 'excess right', 'same list', 'in left only', 'in right only', 'in neither' > } \usage{\method{plot}{IdMapDiffCounts}(x, valRange=c(-20, 20, 10), reverse=FALSE, pairLabels=NULL, guideline.col="darkgrey", guideline.lty=2, guideline.lwd=par.zoom, cols=c("red", "blue", "green"), sides=2, cex=1, cex.side=0.75 * cex, srt=0, adj=0.5, par.zoom=1, ...)} \arguments{ \item{valRange}{\code{\link[base]{numeric}} vector of length 3 where the first and second elements are minimum and maximum count values to be displayed on horizontal axis and the third element is a distance between horizontal axis tick marks. Default is c(-20,20,10).} \item{reverse}{logical indicating the plot orientation (top to bottom or bottom to top)} \item{pairLabels}{optional decorated names for ID Map pair in consideration. If \code{\link[base]{NULL}} (default), the original ID Map names are used.} \item{guideline.col}{guideline(horisontal group divider) lines color. Default is 'darkgrey'.} \item{guideline.lty}{guideline lines type. Default is 2 (dashed).} \item{guideline.lwd}{guideline lines color. Default is par.zoom.} \item{cols}{colors corresponding to the events from which the plot is composed.} \item{sides}{How compound events labels and counts are placed on plot. Possible values are 1 or 2. If sides=1 both event labels and counts are placed on one (left) side. If sides=2 then labels are placed on left side and counts on the right.} \item{cex}{plot title font size.} \item{cex.side}{compound events side labels font size.} \item{srt}{compound events labels orientation.} \item{adj}{compound events labels position adjustment (0 - 1), where 0/1 corresponds to the minimum/maximum labels position shift inwards the plot.} \item{par.zoom}{graphics parameters zoom factor. Scales the graphical parameters like cex, lwd, mai etc.} \item{...}{Additional graphical parameters} } \examples{ #create IdMapDiffCounts object IDs<-IdMapBase$primaryIDs(examples$msmsExperimentSet); jointIdMap<-JointIdMap(examples$identDfList,primaryIDs=IDs); diffs<-jointIdMap$getDiff("NetAffx_F","DAVID_Q",verbose=TRUE); diffCounts<-IdMapDiffCounts(diffs); # fountain plot of DB pair differences # two-sided labels diffCounts$plot(sides=2); # one-sided labels diffCounts$plot(sides=1); } \seealso{For more information see \code{\link{IdMapDiffCounts}}.} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \keyword{internal} \keyword{methods}