\name{import.my5C} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{import.my5C} \title{Import data from my5C webtool} \description{ Import data from my5C webtool } \usage{import.my5C(my5C.datafile, xgi.bed, ygi.bed, all.pairwise=TRUE)} \arguments{ \item{my5C.datafile}{input file from the my5C webtool} \item{xgi.bed}{BED file describing the 'x' Intervals (i.e. column names) of the interaction map} \item{ygi.bed}{BED file describing the 'y' intervals (i.e. row names) of the interaction map} \item{all.pairwise}{logical; generate all pairwise chromosomal interaction maps} } \details{ The list format from \href{http://my5c.umassmed.edu}{the my5C webtool} is a tabbed delimited format (BED format), with :\cr FORWARD_PRIMER_NAME/REVERSE_PRIMER_NAME/INTERACTION_COUNT The matrix format is tabbed delimited format, corresponding to the interaction map. The rownames and columnames are splitted using the "|" separator (example : REV_2|mm9|chrX:98831149-98834145). The rownames and colnames are then intersected with the ids of the intervals defined in the BED files. The BED format is a standard format provided by the \href{http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/customTrack.html}{the UCSC Genome Browser}. The \code{all.pairwise} option is not necessary in case of symetric design. Otherwise, it will return all the pairwise interaction maps. } \value{ A list of \code{HTCexp} object(s) } \author{N. Servant} \seealso{\code{\link[genomeIntervals]{Genome_intervals-class}}, \code{\link{HTCexp-class}}} \examples{ exDir <- system.file("extdata", package="HiTC") hiC<-import.my5C(file.path(exDir,"HIC_gm06690_chr14_chr14_1000000_obs.txt"), xgi.bed=file.path(exDir,"GSE18199_gm06690_chr14_chr14_1Mb.bed")) hiC } \keyword{IO}