\name{binningC} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{binningC} \title{Windowing of high-throughput 'C' interaction matrix} \description{ Windowing of 'C' interaction map } \usage{binningC(x, binsize=100000, bin.adjust=TRUE, upa=TRUE, method="median", use.zero=TRUE, step=1, bnorm=FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{x}{object that inherits from class \code{HTCexp}} \item{binsize}{size of the bin to consider for windowing} \item{bin.adjust}{logical; adjust the size of the bin to the size of the genomic region} \item{upa}{logical; unique primer assignment. Allow one primer to belong to one or several bins} \item{method}{the method used to combine the counts. Must be \sQuote{mean}, \sQuote{median} or \sQuote{sum}} \item{use.zero}{logical; use the zero values in the \code{method} calculation} \item{step}{numeric; binning step size in \code{n} coverage \emph{i.e.} window step} \item{bnorm}{logical; normalise each combined counts by the number of primers in the bin} } \details{ \code{bin.adjust} allows to work with bin of the same size. Otherwise, the last bin will has a size different from \code{binsize}. A primer is assigned to a bin, if there is at least one base overlap between the bin and the primer region.\cr The \code{method} used to combine the counts in a bin, must be \sQuote{mea}, \sQuote{median} or \sQuote{sum}. The \code{step} parameter allows to choose the overlap between the bins. A \code{step} of 2 means a 50\% overlap between two bins, a step of 3 means a 60\% overlap between two bins, \emph{etc.} } \value{ An \code{HTCexp-class} object with binned intraction data. In this case, the primers are converted into bins, and the reverse or forward intervals are similar. The interaction matrix is symetric. } \seealso{\code{\link{HTCexp-class}}} \author{N. Servant, B. Lajoie} \examples{ exDir <- system.file("extdata", package="HiTC") GM12878<-import.my5C(file.path(exDir,"nsmb.1936-S5.txt"), xgi.bed=file.path(exDir,"Bau_GM12878_REV.bed"), ygi.bed=file.path(exDir,"Bau_GM12878_FOR.bed")) ## Data binning 50kb, with a 4/5 overlap GM12878.bin <- binningC(GM12878$chr16chr16, binsize=50000, step=5) show(GM12878.bin) } \keyword{manip}