\name{makeGSEAplots} \alias{makeGSEAplots} \title{ Produce GSEA plots } \description{ This is an internal function. } \usage{ makeGSEAplots(geneList, geneSet, exponent, filepath, filename, output='png', ...) } \arguments{ \item{geneList}{ a numeric or integer vector of phenotypes in descending or ascending order with elements named by their Entrez IDs (no duplicates nor NA values) } \item{geneSet}{ a character vector of gene identifiers of a gene set } \item{exponent}{ a single integer or numeric value used in weighting phenotypes in GSEA } \item{filepath}{ a single character value specifying the directory where the GSEA plot will be stored } \item{filename}{ a single character value specifying the name of the file where the GSEA plot will be stored } \item{output}{ a single character value specifying the format of output image: "pdf" or "png" } \item{...}{ other arguments used by the function 'png' or 'pdf' such as width and height } } \details{ This is an internal function. } \author{ Benilton Carvalho, Xin Wang } \keyword{internal}