\name{data-KcViab} \alias{KcViab_Norm} \alias{KcViab_Data4Enrich} \alias{KcViab_PVals} \alias{KcViab_GSCA} \alias{KcViab_NWA} \alias{Biogrid_DM_Mat} \alias{Biogrid_DM_Interactome} \title{A Sample data set of the package HTSanalyzeR} \description{ 'KcViab_Norm' is a normalized cellHTS object (KcViab_Norm) generated from a genome-wide RNAi screen of cell viability in \emph{Drosophila} Kc167 cells (see help(KcViab)). 'KcViab_Data4Enrich' is a vector of phenotypes summarized and preprocessed from 'KcViab_Norm' (see section 4.1 of the vignette of package \emph{HTSanalyzeR} for details). 'KcViab_PVals' is a vector of p-values generated by statistical tests for the summarized data of 'KcViab_Norm' (see section 5.1 of the vignetted of package \emph{HTSanalyzeR} for details). 'KcViab_GSCA' is an object of class 'GSCA' (Gene Set Collection Analysis) (see section 4.2 of the vignette of package \emph{HTSanalyzeR} for details). 'KcViab_NWA' is an object of class 'NWA' (NetWork Analysis) (see section 5.2 of the vignetted of package \emph{HTSanalyzeR} for details). 'Biogrid_DM_Interactome' is an object of class \emph{graphNEL} built from the interaction data set for \emph{Drosophila Melanogaster} downloaded from the \emph{BioGRID} database (version 3.1.71, accessed on Dec. 5, 2010). } \usage{##see examples for details} \references{ Boutros, M., Kiger, A.A., Armknecht,S., Kerr,K., Hild,M., Koch,B., Haas, S.A., Heidelberg Fly Array Consortium, Paro,R. and Perrimon, N. (2004) Genome-wide RNAi analysis of growth and viability in Drosophila cells, \emph{Science} \bold{303}:832--5. } \examples{ data("KcViab_Norm") data("KcViab_Data4Enrich") data("KcViab_PVals") data("KcViab_GSCA") data("KcViab_NWA") data("Biogrid_DM_Interactome") data("Biogrid_DM_Mat") } \keyword{datasets}