\name{enrichmentFunction} \alias{enrichmentFunction} \title{ Identification of statistically significant GO terms } \description{ Using the hypergenomic distribution test and FDR correction procedure, this function can identify a set of statistically significant GO terms. } \arguments{ \item{annRef}{ \code{annRef} is the annotated reference genes and their annotated terms. } \item{annInterest}{ \code{annInterest} is the annotated interesting genes and their annotated terms. } \item{method}{ \code{method} is the fdr method. GO-function provides three p value correction methods: "bonferroni", "BH" and "BY". The default is "BY". } \item{fdrth}{ \code{fdrth} is the fdr cutoff to identify statistically significant GO terms. The default is 0.05. } } \value{ The function returns a list contained two values: The first value is a table contained the information of all statistically significant terms under a FDR control level and the second value is a table contained the information of all annotated GO terms. } \author{ Jing Wang } \seealso{ \code{\link{GOFunction}} } \keyword{ methods }