\name{plot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,BamFileList,FastqFileList-method} \title{ Methods for Function \code{plot} in Package \pkg{EDASeq} } \description{ High-level function to produce plots given one \code{BamFileList} object and one \code{FastqFileList} object. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(x = "BamFileList", y = "FastqFileList")}}{ It produce a barplot of the percentage of mapped reads. If \code{strata=TRUE} it stratifies the bars according to the unique/non-unique mapped reads. To be meaningful, \code{x} should be a set of aligned reads and \code{y} a set of raw reads on the same samples. } }} \keyword{methods}