\name{betweenLaneNormalization-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{betweenLaneNormalization} \alias{betweenLaneNormalization-methods} \alias{betweenLaneNormalization,matrix-method} \alias{betweenLaneNormalization,SeqExpressionSet-method} \title{ Methods for Function \code{betweenLaneNormalization} in Package \pkg{EDASeq} } \description{ Between-lane normalization for sequencing depth and possibly other distributional differences between lanes. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(x = "matrix")}}{ It returns a matrix with the normalized counts if \code{offset=FALSE} or with the offset if \code{offset=TRUE}. } \item{\code{signature(x = "SeqExpressionSet")}}{ It returns a \code{linkS4class{SeqExpressionSet}} with the normalized counts in the \code{exprs} slot if \code{offset=FALSE} or with the offset in the \code{offset} slot and the original counts in the \code{exprs} slot if \code{offset=TRUE}. } }} \usage{ betweenLaneNormalization(x, which=c("median","upper","full"), offset=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A numeric matrix representing the counts or a \code{\linkS4class{SeqExpressionSet}} object.} \item{which}{Method used to normalized. See the details section and the reference below for details.} \item{offset}{Should the normalized value be returned as an offset leaving the original counts unchanged?} } \details{ This method implements three normalizations described in Bullard et al. (2010). The methods are: \describe{ \item{\code{median}:}{a scaling normalization that forces the median of each lane to be the same.} \item{\code{upper}:}{the same but with the upper quartile.} \item{\code{full}:}{a non linear full quantile normalization, in the spirit of the one used in microarrays.} } } \author{ Davide Risso. } \references{ J. H. Bullard, E. A. Purdom, K. D. Hansen and S. Dudoit (2010). Evaluation of statistical methods for normalization and differential expression in mRNA-Seq experiments. BMC Bioinformatics Vol. 11, Article 94. D. Risso, K. Schwartz, G. Sherlock and S. Dudoit (2011). GC-Content Normalization for RNA-Seq Data. Manuscript in Preparation. } \examples{ library(yeastRNASeq) data(geneLevelData) data(yeastGC) sub <- intersect(rownames(geneLevelData),names(yeastGC)) mat <- as.matrix(geneLevelData[sub,]) data <- newSeqExpressionSet(mat,phenoData=AnnotatedDataFrame(data.frame(conditions=factor(c("mut","mut","wt","wt")),row.names=colnames(geneLevelData))),featureData=AnnotatedDataFrame(data.frame(gc=yeastGC[sub]))) norm <- betweenLaneNormalization(data,which="full",offset=FALSE) } \keyword{methods}