\name{DTA.plot.it} \alias{DTA.plot.it} \title{Plots in any format and any quality} \description{\code{DTA.plot.it} can save plots in any format and any quality in addition to show them in R devices} \usage{ DTA.plot.it(filename,sw = 1,sh = 1,sres = 1,plotsfkt,ww = 7,wh = 7,pointsize = 12,dev.pointsize = 8,paper = "special",quality = 100,units = "px",bg = "white",fileformat = "jpeg",saveit = FALSE,notinR = FALSE,RStudio = FALSE,addformat = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{Name of the plot to be saved without the format type suffix.} \item{sw}{Scaling factor of width. Scaled with 480px.} \item{sh}{Scaling factor of height. Scaled with 480px.} \item{sres}{Scaling factor of the resolution. Scaled with 72dpi.} \item{plotsfkt}{Function of plots to be plotted.} \item{ww}{Width of window. Needed only for plotting in R or if filformat = "pdf" or "ps". See pdf or ps.} \item{wh}{Height of window. Needed only for plotting in R or if filformat = "pdf" or "ps". See pdf or ps.} \item{pointsize}{The default pointsize of plotted text, interpreted as big points (1/72 inch) for plots to be saved.} \item{dev.pointsize}{Pointsize of plotted text, interpreted as big points (1/72 inch) for display in R.} \item{paper}{Needed only if filformat = "pdf" or "ps". See pdf or ps.} \item{quality}{Needed only if filformat = "jpeg". See jpeg.} \item{units}{Needed only if filformat = "jpeg", "png", "bmp" or "tiff". See corresponding function.} \item{bg}{Backgroundcolor.} \item{fileformat}{Save the plot as "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "tiff", "ps" or "pdf".} \item{saveit}{Should plot be saved.} \item{notinR}{Should plot be not plotted in R.} \item{RStudio}{For RStudio users. Suppresses the opening of a new device, as RStudio allows only one.} \item{addformat}{Should plot be saved additionally in another format, "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "tiff", "ps" or "pdf".} } \author{Bjoern Schwalb \email{schwalb@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \examples{ plotsfkt = function(){ par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(1:10) plot(10:1) } DTA.plot.it(filename = "test",plotsfkt = plotsfkt,saveit = TRUE) dev.off() } \keyword{utilities}