\name{DTA.phenomat} \alias{DTA.phenomat} \title{Create a phenomat that suits your experiment.} \description{\code{DTA.phenomat} creates a phenomat for a given experimental design, i.e. used labeling times.} \usage{ DTA.phenomat(timepoints, timecourse = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{timepoints}{The respective labeling times of the measured samples.} \item{timecourse}{Vector giving the order for timecourse DTA data.} } \value{ A matrix, containing the design of the experiment. Columns are name, fraction (U=unlabebeld, L=labeled, T=total), time and nr (=replicate number). Rows represent individual experiments. For timecourse data, an additional column of the order of the underlying timecourse data can be added via \code{timecourse}. } \author{Bjoern Schwalb \email{schwalb@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \examples{ ### phenomat for 2 replicates of 6 and 12 min labeling duration resp. DTA.phenomat(c(6,12)) ### phenomat for three adjacent timepoints measured in 2 replicates DTA.phenomat(rep(6,6),timecourse = 1:3) } \keyword{utilities}