\name{DTA.map.it} \alias{DTA.map.it} \title{Mapping function to switch between different identifiers.} \description{\code{DTA.map.it} can map different kinds of identifiers in a matrix or a vector given by mapping vector.} \usage{ DTA.map.it(mat,map = NULL,check = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{mat}{Matrix or vector with numerical entries.} \item{map}{Vector of identifiers to map to, named by identifiers to map from.} \item{check}{Should check protocol be printed.} } \author{Bjoern Schwalb \email{schwalb@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \examples{ ### see vignette examples or reference: ### B. Schwalb, B. Zacher, S. Duemcke, D. Martin, P. Cramer, A. Tresch. ### Measurement of genome-wide RNA synthesis and decay rates with Dynamic Transcriptome Analysis (DTA/cDTA). Bioinformatics, in revision. } \references{ M. Sun, B. Schwalb, D. Schulz, N. Pirkl, L. Lariviere, K. Maier, A. Tresch, P. Cramer. Mutual feedback between mRNA synthesis and degradation buffers transcript levels in a eukaryote. Under review. B. Schwalb, B. Zacher, S. Duemcke, D. Martin, P. Cramer, A. Tresch. Measurement of genome-wide RNA synthesis and decay rates with Dynamic Transcriptome Analysis (DTA/cDTA). Bioinformatics. } \keyword{utilities}