\name{modelFrameForGene} \alias{modelFrameForGene} \title{ Makes the model frame for a geneID. } \description{ Creates a data frame containing the model frame for a gene with the columns sample, exon, size factors, their respective counts and the design annotation. } \usage{ modelFrameForGene(ecs, geneID, onlyTestable=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{ecs}{ An ExonCountSet object. } \item{geneID}{ A gene identificator contained in the ExonCountSet object. } \item{onlyTestable}{ If TRUE, only the testable exons will be included in the model frame. Check \code{fData$testable} for more information. } } \value{ A data frame containing the model frame for a gene. } \examples{ data("pasillaExons", package="pasilla") modelFrameForGene(pasillaExons, "FBgn0085442") }