\name{estimatelog2FoldChanges} \alias{estimatelog2FoldChanges} \title{Fold changes (log2) from the fitted expression values in the GLM.} \description{ This function calculates the fold changes (on log2 scale) between the different conditions. It calculates them from the coefficients of a GLM that fits the read counts to a variable of the experimental design specified by the user (see below, parameter "fitExpToVar"). } \usage{ estimatelog2FoldChanges(ecs, fitExpToVar="condition", nCores=1, quiet=FALSE, file="") } \arguments{ \item{ecs}{ An ExonCountSet object. } \item{fitExpToVar}{ A variable contained in \code{design(ecs)}. The expression values will be fitted to this variable using the the formula "count ~ sample + fitExpToVar * exon". } \item{nCores}{ Number of CPU cores to be used to estimate the dispersions. The \code{multicore} package need to be loaded beforehands to parallelize over several cores. } \item{quiet}{ If TRUE, no progress report is shown. In case the session is not an interactive and progress report is wanted, add a file name below. } \item{file}{ A file name to write the progress reports. If file="", output will be written to the standard output connection. } } \examples{ \dontrun{ data("pasillaExons", package="pasilla") pasillaExons <- estimateSizeFactors( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- estimateDispersions( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- fitDispersionFunction( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- estimatelog2FoldChanges( pasillaExons ) } } \keyword{ExonCountSet}