\name{DEUresultTable} \alias{DEUresultTable} \title{ Get a result table from the analysis workflow. } \description{ This function returns a data frame with the summary of the results from the analysis workflow. It accesses the \code{\link{fData}} slots with information of the dispersion estimates obtained from the function \code{\link{fitDispersionFunction}}, the p values, and adjusted p values obtained from the function \code{\link{testForDEU}}, and log2 fold changes obtained from the function \code{\link{estimatelog2FoldChanges}}. } \usage{ DEUresultTable(ecs) } \arguments{ \item{ecs}{ An ExonCountSet object. } } \value{ A data frame with a summary of the analysis workflow. } \examples{ \dontrun{ data("pasillaExons", package="pasilla") pasillaExons <- estimateSizeFactors( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- estimateDispersions( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- fitDispersionFunction( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- testForDEU( pasillaExons ) res <- DEUresultTable( pasillaExons ) } }