\name{generank} \alias{generank} \title{Rank genes based on statistics} \description{This function rank the genes according to the decreasing order of the given statistics.} \usage{ generank(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A \eqn{G*D} matrix of statistics, the number of rows is the number of genes and the number of columns is the number of studies. } } \details{The function returns a \eqn{G*D} matrix of index of top ranked genes in each study according to the decreasing order of statistics in that study. } \author{Hongkai Ji, Yingying Wei} \examples{ data(simudata2) n<-nrow(simudata2) m<-ncol(simudata2) #the expression data is from the second column to m exprs.simu2<-as.matrix(simudata2[,2:m]) #prepare the group ID number for each sample array data(simu2_groupid) #prepare the design matrix for each group of samples data(simu2_compgroup) #fit 2 correlation motif to the data motif.fitted<-cormotiffit(exprs.simu2, simu2_groupid,simu2_compgroup,K=2) #give the gene index list according to the decreasing order of #posterior probability for a gene to be differentially expressed in each study generank(motif.fitted$bestmotif$p.post) }