\name{readMIDAS} \alias{readMIDAS} \title{ Reads in a csv MIDAS file } \description{ This function takes in a single argument, the name of a csv MIDAS file containing the data, and returns a list that contains all the elements to build a CNOlist. The output of this function should be used as input for \code{makeCNOlist}. } \usage{ readMIDAS(MIDASfile, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{MIDASfile}{ a csv MIDAS file } \item{verbose}{ logical (default to TRUE) print information on the screen. } } \details{ This function does not return a CNOlist, but the output of this function can be used directly into makeCNOlist to create one. The MIDAS file format is described in Saez-Rodriguez et al. (2008). If you have all of the readouts measured at the same series of time points, you can specify a unique DA: column which must have the format "DA:ALL". } \value{ this function returns a list with fields: \item{dataMatrix}{matrix containing the data in the MIDAS file} \item{TRcol}{indexes of the columns that contain the treatments (excluding cell line)} \item{DAcol}{indexes of the columns that contain the data time points} \item{DVcol}{indexes of the columns that contain the actual values (measurements)} } \references{ J. Saez-Rodriguez, A. Goldsipe, J. Muhlich, L. Alexopoulos, B. Millard, D. A. Lauffenburger, P. K. Sorger Flexible Informatics for Linking Experimental Data to Mathematical Models via DataRail. Bioinformatics, 24:6, 840-847 (2008). } \author{ C.Terfve } \seealso{ makeCNOlist } \examples{ tmpdir<-tempdir() setwd(tmpdir) cpfile<-dir(system.file("ToyModel",package="CellNOptR"),full=TRUE) file.copy(from=cpfile,to=getwd(),overwrite=TRUE) dataToy<-readMIDAS(MIDASfile='ToyDataMMB.csv') CNOlistToy<-makeCNOlist(dataset=dataToy,subfield=FALSE) }