\name{preprocessing} \alias{preprocessing} \title{ Performs the pre-processing steps } \description{ This function performs any of the following preprocessing steps: \enumerate{ \item{removes Non-Controllable and Non-Observables nodes} \item{compress the model} \item{and-gates expansion} } } \usage{ preprocessing(Data, Model, cutnonc=TRUE, compression=TRUE, expansion=TRUE,ignoreList=NA, maxInputsPerGate=2, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{Data}{ the CNOlist that contains the data that you will use } \item{Model}{ the model object as returned by \link{readSif} } \item{cutnonc}{ Removes the NONC nodes using \link{cutNONC} and \link{findNONC} (Default is TRUE). } \item{compression}{ Compress the model using \link{compressModel} (Default is TRUE). } \item{expansion}{ Add and gates using \link{expandGates} (Default is TRUE). } \item{ignoreList}{ list of reactions indices to ignore in the expansion step. } \item{maxInputsPerGate}{ used by the \link{expandGates} function to set maximum inputs per and gates. } \item{verbose}{ verbose option (Default is TRUE). } } \details{ The function can apply any or none of the pre-processing steps. It returns the new model and the indices returned by indexFinder. } \value{ \item{model}{the new model} \item{indices}{the indices of the new model found in the CNOlist object using indexFinder.} } \author{ T. Cokelaer } \seealso{ \link{readSif}, \link{readMIDAS}, \link{cutNONC}, \link{findNONC}, \link{compressModel} and \link{expandGates}. } \examples{ data(ToyModel,package="CellNOptR") data(CNOlistToy,package="CellNOptR") res = preprocessing(CNOlistToy, ToyModel, cutnonc=FALSE) # res is a list containing the new model (res$model) and its indices # (res$indices). }