\name{prep4Sim} \alias{prep4Sim} \title{ Prepare a model for simulation } \description{ Adds to the model some fields that are used by the simulation engine } \usage{ prep4Sim(Model) } \arguments{ \item{Model}{ a model list, as output by readSif, normally pre-processed but that is not a requirement of this function } } \details{ This adds fields that are necessary for the simulation engine in a version that is extensible for constrained Fuzzy logic extension of the methods applied here (in development). } \value{ this function returns a list with fields: \item{finalCube}{stores, for each reac(row) the location of its inputs (col)} \item{ixNeg}{stores, for each reac(row) and each input (col) whether it is a negative input} \item{ignoreCube}{logical matrix of the same size as the 2 above, that tells whether the particular cell is filled or not} \item{maxIx}{row vector that stores, for each reac, the location of its output} \item{modelname}{stores the name of the model from which these fields were derived} } \author{ C. Terfve } \seealso{ simulatorT1 } \examples{ data(ToyModel,package="CellNOptR") ToyFields4Sim<-prep4Sim(ToyModel) }