\name{extractLocsFile} \alias{extractLocsFile} \title{ Retrieve only the .locs file information } \description{ Provides a mechanism to extract the information from the original .locs file from a compressed .bab file, without the need to extract the intensity or probe ID values. } \usage{ extractLocsFile(inputFile, path = ".") } \arguments{ \item{inputFile}{ The name of the .bab file to be read in. } \item{path}{ Path to where the input file can be found. Default is the current working directory. } } \value{ A matrix with two columns (four if two-channel data) containing the X and Y values of the bead centre coordinates supplied in the original .locs file. For two-channel data the first two columns contain the coordinates from the green channel, with the red channel held in columns three and four. } \author{ Mike L. Smith } \examples{ dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "BeadDataPackR") locs <- extractLocsFile(inputFile = "example.bab", path = dataPath) locs[1:10,] } \keyword{ IO }