Package: atgenomeatrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF atgenomeatrefseq for original CHIP arabidopsis Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF atgenomeatrefseq for original CHIP arabidopsis biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, arabidopsis, atgenomeatrefseq, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Arabidopsis_thaliana manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/atgenomeatrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: atgenomeatrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: atgenomeatrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/AtGenome_At_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, arabidopsis, atgenomeatrefseq, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/atgenomeatrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: atgenomeatrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type atgenomeatrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, atgenomeatrefseq, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/atgenomeatrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: atgenomeattair Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF atgenomeattair for original CHIP arabidopsis Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF atgenomeattair for original CHIP arabidopsis biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, arabidopsis, atgenomeattair, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Arabidopsis_thaliana manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/atgenomeattair_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: atgenomeattaircdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: atgenomeattaircdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/AtGenome_At_TAIR.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, arabidopsis, atgenomeattair, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/atgenomeattaircdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: atgenomeattairprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type atgenomeattair Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, atgenomeattair, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/atgenomeattairprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ath1atrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF ath1atrefseq for original CHIP ath1121501 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF ath1atrefseq for original CHIP ath1121501 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ath1121501, ath1atrefseq, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Arabidopsis_thaliana manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/ath1atrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ath1atrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: ath1atrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/AtH1_At_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ath1121501, ath1atrefseq, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ath1atrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ath1atrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1atrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ath1atrefseq, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ath1atrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ath1attair Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF ath1attair for original CHIP ath1121501 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF ath1attair for original CHIP ath1121501 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ath1121501, ath1attair, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Arabidopsis_thaliana manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/ath1attair_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ath1attaircdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: ath1attaircdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/AtH1_At_TAIR.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ath1121501, ath1attair, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ath1attaircdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ath1attairprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1attair Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ath1attair, Arabidopsis_thaliana Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ath1attairprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtense for original CHIP Bovine Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtense for original CHIP Bovine biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtense, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Bos_taurus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: btbovinebtensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/BtBovine_Bt_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtense, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type btbovinebtense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, btbovinebtense, Bos_taurus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtensg for original CHIP Bovine Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtensg for original CHIP Bovine biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtensg, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Bos_taurus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: btbovinebtensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/BtBovine_Bt_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtensg, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type btbovinebtensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, btbovinebtensg, Bos_taurus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtenst for original CHIP Bovine Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtenst for original CHIP Bovine biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtenst, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Bos_taurus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: btbovinebtenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/BtBovine_Bt_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtenst, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type btbovinebtenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, btbovinebtenst, Bos_taurus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtentrezg for original CHIP Bovine Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtentrezg for original CHIP Bovine biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtentrezg, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Bos_taurus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: btbovinebtentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/BtBovine_Bt_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtentrezg, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type btbovinebtentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, btbovinebtentrezg, Bos_taurus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtrefseq for original CHIP Bovine Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtrefseq for original CHIP Bovine biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtrefseq, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Bos_taurus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: btbovinebtrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/BtBovine_Bt_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtrefseq, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type btbovinebtrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, btbovinebtrefseq, Bos_taurus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtug for original CHIP Bovine Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF btbovinebtug for original CHIP Bovine biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtug, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Bos_taurus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: btbovinebtugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/BtBovine_Bt_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Bovine, btbovinebtug, Bos_taurus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: btbovinebtugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type btbovinebtug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, btbovinebtug, Bos_taurus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/btbovinebtugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfense for original CHIP canine2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfense for original CHIP canine2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfense, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Canis_familiaris manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: cfcanine2cfensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/CfCanine2_Cf_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfense, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, cfcanine2cfense, Canis_familiaris Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfensg for original CHIP canine2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfensg for original CHIP canine2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfensg, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Canis_familiaris manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: cfcanine2cfensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/CfCanine2_Cf_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfensg, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, cfcanine2cfensg, Canis_familiaris Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfenst for original CHIP canine2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfenst for original CHIP canine2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfenst, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Canis_familiaris manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: cfcanine2cfenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/CfCanine2_Cf_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfenst, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, cfcanine2cfenst, Canis_familiaris Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfentrezg for original CHIP canine2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfentrezg for original CHIP canine2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfentrezg, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Canis_familiaris manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: cfcanine2cfentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/CfCanine2_Cf_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfentrezg, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, cfcanine2cfentrezg, Canis_familiaris Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfrefseq for original CHIP canine2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfrefseq for original CHIP canine2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfrefseq, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Canis_familiaris manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: cfcanine2cfrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/CfCanine2_Cf_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfrefseq, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, cfcanine2cfrefseq, Canis_familiaris Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfug for original CHIP canine2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfug for original CHIP canine2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfug, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Canis_familiaris manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: cfcanine2cfugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/CfCanine2_Cf_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfug, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, cfcanine2cfug, Canis_familiaris Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfvegat for original CHIP canine2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfvegat for original CHIP canine2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfvegat, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Canis_familiaris manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: cfcanine2cfvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/CfCanine2_Cf_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, canine2, cfcanine2cfvegat, Canis_familiaris Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: cfcanine2cfvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, cfcanine2cfvegat, Canis_familiaris Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/cfcanine2cfvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmense for original CHIP drosophila2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmense for original CHIP drosophila2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmense, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmdrosophila2dmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmDrosophila2_Dm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmense, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmdrosophila2dmense, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmensg for original CHIP drosophila2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmensg for original CHIP drosophila2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmensg, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmdrosophila2dmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmDrosophila2_Dm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmensg, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmdrosophila2dmensg, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmenst for original CHIP drosophila2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmenst for original CHIP drosophila2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmenst, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmdrosophila2dmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmDrosophila2_Dm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmenst, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmdrosophila2dmenst, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmrefseq for original CHIP drosophila2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmrefseq for original CHIP drosophila2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmrefseq, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmdrosophila2dmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmDrosophila2_Dm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmrefseq, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmdrosophila2dmrefseq, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmug for original CHIP drosophila2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmug for original CHIP drosophila2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmug, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmdrosophila2dmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmDrosophila2_Dm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosophila2, dmdrosophila2dmug, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmdrosophila2dmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmdrosophila2dmug, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmdrosophila2dmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmense for original CHIP drosgenome1 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmense for original CHIP drosgenome1 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmense, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmgenome1dmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmGenome1_Dm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmense, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmgenome1dmense, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmensg for original CHIP drosgenome1 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmensg for original CHIP drosgenome1 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmensg, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmgenome1dmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmGenome1_Dm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmensg, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmgenome1dmensg, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmenst for original CHIP drosgenome1 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmenst for original CHIP drosgenome1 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmenst, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmgenome1dmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmGenome1_Dm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmenst, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmgenome1dmenst, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmrefseq for original CHIP drosgenome1 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmrefseq for original CHIP drosgenome1 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmrefseq, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmgenome1dmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmGenome1_Dm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmrefseq, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmgenome1dmrefseq, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmug for original CHIP drosgenome1 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmug for original CHIP drosgenome1 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmug, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Drosophila_melanogaster manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: dmgenome1dmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DmGenome1_Dm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drosgenome1, dmgenome1dmug, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: dmgenome1dmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, dmgenome1dmug, Drosophila_melanogaster Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/dmgenome1dmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrense for original CHIP zebrafish Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrense for original CHIP zebrafish biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrense, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Danio_rerio manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: drzebrafishdrensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DrZebrafish_Dr_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrense, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drzebrafishdrense, Danio_rerio Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrensg for original CHIP zebrafish Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrensg for original CHIP zebrafish biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrensg, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Danio_rerio manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: drzebrafishdrensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DrZebrafish_Dr_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrensg, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drzebrafishdrensg, Danio_rerio Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrenst for original CHIP zebrafish Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrenst for original CHIP zebrafish biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrenst, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Danio_rerio manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: drzebrafishdrenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DrZebrafish_Dr_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrenst, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drzebrafishdrenst, Danio_rerio Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrentrezg for original CHIP zebrafish Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrentrezg for original CHIP zebrafish biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrentrezg, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Danio_rerio manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: drzebrafishdrentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DrZebrafish_Dr_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrentrezg, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drzebrafishdrentrezg, Danio_rerio Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrrefseq for original CHIP zebrafish Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrrefseq for original CHIP zebrafish biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrrefseq, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Danio_rerio manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: drzebrafishdrrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DrZebrafish_Dr_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrrefseq, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drzebrafishdrrefseq, Danio_rerio Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrug for original CHIP zebrafish Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrug for original CHIP zebrafish biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrug, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Danio_rerio manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: drzebrafishdrugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DrZebrafish_Dr_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrug, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drzebrafishdrug, Danio_rerio Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrvegat for original CHIP zebrafish Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrvegat for original CHIP zebrafish biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrvegat, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Danio_rerio manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: drzebrafishdrvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/DrZebrafish_Dr_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, zebrafish, drzebrafishdrvegat, Danio_rerio Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: drzebrafishdrvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, drzebrafishdrvegat, Danio_rerio Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/drzebrafishdrvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggense for original CHIP chicken Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggense for original CHIP chicken biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggense, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Gallus_gallus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: ggchickenggensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/GgChicken_Gg_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggense, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ggchickenggense, Gallus_gallus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggensg for original CHIP chicken Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggensg for original CHIP chicken biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggensg, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Gallus_gallus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: ggchickenggensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/GgChicken_Gg_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggensg, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ggchickenggensg, Gallus_gallus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggenst for original CHIP chicken Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggenst for original CHIP chicken biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggenst, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Gallus_gallus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: ggchickenggenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/GgChicken_Gg_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggenst, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ggchickenggenst, Gallus_gallus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggentrezg for original CHIP chicken Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggentrezg for original CHIP chicken biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggentrezg, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Gallus_gallus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: ggchickenggentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/GgChicken_Gg_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggentrezg, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ggchickenggentrezg, Gallus_gallus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggrefseq for original CHIP chicken Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggrefseq for original CHIP chicken biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggrefseq, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Gallus_gallus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: ggchickenggrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/GgChicken_Gg_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggrefseq, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ggchickenggrefseq, Gallus_gallus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggug for original CHIP chicken Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggug for original CHIP chicken biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggug, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Gallus_gallus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: ggchickenggugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/GgChicken_Gg_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, chicken, ggchickenggug, Gallus_gallus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: ggchickenggugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, ggchickenggug, Gallus_gallus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/ggchickenggugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsense for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsense for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsense, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsensg for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsensg for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsenst for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsenst for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsug for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsug for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsug, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsvegae for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsvegae for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsvegag for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsvegag for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsvegat for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsvegat for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133ahsvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Hs_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133ahsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133ahsvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133ahsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133ahsvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptense for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptense for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133aptensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Pt_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133aptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptensg for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptensg for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133aptensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Pt_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133aptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptenst for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptenst for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133aptenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Pt_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133aptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133aptentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Pt_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133aptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133aptrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133A_Pt_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a, hs133aptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133aptrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133aptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133aptrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsense for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsense for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsense, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsensg for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsensg for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsenst for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsenst for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsug for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsug for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsug, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsvegae for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsvegae for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsvegag for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsvegag for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsvegat for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsvegat for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2hsvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Hs_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2hsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2hsvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2hsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2hsvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptense for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptense for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2ptensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Pt_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2ptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptensg for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptensg for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2ptensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Pt_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2ptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptenst for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptenst for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2ptenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Pt_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2ptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2ptentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Pt_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2ptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133av2ptrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133Av2_Pt_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133a2, hs133av2ptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133av2ptrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133av2ptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133av2ptrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsense for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsense for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsense, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsensg for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsensg for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsenst for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsenst for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsug for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsug for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsug, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsvegae for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsvegae for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsvegag for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsvegag for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsvegat for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsvegat for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bhsvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Hs_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bhsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bhsvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bhsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bhsvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptense for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptense for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bptensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Pt_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptensg for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptensg for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bptensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Pt_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptenst for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptenst for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bptenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Pt_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bptentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Pt_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptrefseq for original CHIP hgu133b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptrefseq for original CHIP hgu133b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133bptrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133B_Pt_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133b, hs133bptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133bptrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133bptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133bptrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsense for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsense for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsense, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsensg for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsensg for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsenst for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsenst for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsug for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsug for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsug, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsvegae for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsvegae for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsvegag for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsvegag for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsvegat for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsvegat for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133phsvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Hs_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133phsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133phsvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133phsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133phsvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptense for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptense for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133pptensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Pt_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133pptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptensg for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptensg for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133pptensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Pt_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133pptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptenst for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptenst for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133pptenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Pt_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133pptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133pptentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Pt_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133pptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptrefseq for original CHIP hgu133plus2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptrefseq for original CHIP hgu133plus2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133pptrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133P_Pt_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu133plus2, hs133pptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133pptrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133pptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133pptrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsense for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsense for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsense, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsensg for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsensg for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsenst for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsenst for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsentrezg for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsentrezg for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsrefseq for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsrefseq for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsug for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsug for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsug, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsvegae for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsvegae for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsvegag for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsvegag for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsvegat for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsvegat for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xhsvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Hs_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xhsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xhsvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xhsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xhsvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptense for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptense for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xptensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Pt_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptensg for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptensg for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xptensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Pt_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptenst for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptenst for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xptenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Pt_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptentrezg for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptentrezg for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xptentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Pt_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptrefseq for original CHIP u133x3p Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptrefseq for original CHIP u133x3p biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs133xptrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs133X_Pt_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, u133x3p, hs133xptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs133xptrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs133xptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs133xptrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsense for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsense for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsense, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsensg for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsensg for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsenst for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsenst for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsentrezg for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsentrezg for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsrefseq for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsrefseq for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsug for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsug for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsug, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsvegae for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsvegae for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsvegag for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsvegag for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsvegat for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsvegat for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2hsvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Hs_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2hsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2hsvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2hsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2hsvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptense for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptense for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2ptensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Pt_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2ptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptensg for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptensg for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2ptensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Pt_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2ptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptenst for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptenst for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2ptenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Pt_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2ptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptentrezg for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptentrezg for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2ptentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Pt_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2ptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptrefseq for original CHIP hgu95av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptrefseq for original CHIP hgu95av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hs95av2ptrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Hs95Av2_Pt_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgu95av2, hs95av2ptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hs95av2ptrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hs95av2ptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hs95av2ptrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsense for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsense for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsense, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsense, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsensg for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsensg for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsensg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsenst for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsenst for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsenst, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsentrezg for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsentrezg for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsentrezg, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsrefseq for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsrefseq for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsrefseq, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsug for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsug for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsug, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsug, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsvegae for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsvegae for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsvegae, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsvegag for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsvegag for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsvegag, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsvegat for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsvegat for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Homo_sapiens manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocushsvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Hs_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocushsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocushsvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocushsvegat, Homo_sapiens Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocushsvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptense for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptense for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocusptensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Pt_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocusptense, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptensg for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptensg for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocusptensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Pt_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocusptensg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptenst for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptenst for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocusptenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Pt_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocusptenst, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptentrezg for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptentrezg for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocusptentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Pt_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocusptentrezg, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptrefseq for original CHIP hgfocus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptrefseq for original CHIP hgfocus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Pan_troglodytes manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: hsfocusptrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/HsFocus_Pt_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hgfocus, hsfocusptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: hsfocusptrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, hsfocusptrefseq, Pan_troglodytes Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/hsfocusptrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuense for original CHIP Rhesus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuense for original CHIP Rhesus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuense, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Macaca_mulatta manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mamurhesusmamuensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/MAmuRhesus_MAmu_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuense, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mamurhesusmamuense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mamurhesusmamuense, Macaca_mulatta Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuensg for original CHIP Rhesus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuensg for original CHIP Rhesus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuensg, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Macaca_mulatta manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mamurhesusmamuensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/MAmuRhesus_MAmu_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuensg, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mamurhesusmamuensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mamurhesusmamuensg, Macaca_mulatta Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuenst for original CHIP Rhesus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuenst for original CHIP Rhesus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuenst, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Macaca_mulatta manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mamurhesusmamuenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/MAmuRhesus_MAmu_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuenst, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mamurhesusmamuenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mamurhesusmamuenst, Macaca_mulatta Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuentrezg for original CHIP Rhesus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuentrezg for original CHIP Rhesus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuentrezg, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Macaca_mulatta manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mamurhesusmamuentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/MAmuRhesus_MAmu_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuentrezg, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mamurhesusmamuentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mamurhesusmamuentrezg, Macaca_mulatta Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamurefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamurefseq for original CHIP Rhesus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamurefseq for original CHIP Rhesus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamurefseq, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Macaca_mulatta manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamurefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamurefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mamurhesusmamurefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/MAmuRhesus_MAmu_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamurefseq, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamurefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamurefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mamurhesusmamurefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mamurhesusmamurefseq, Macaca_mulatta Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamurefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuug for original CHIP Rhesus Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mamurhesusmamuug for original CHIP Rhesus biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuug, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Macaca_mulatta manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mamurhesusmamuugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/MAmuRhesus_MAmu_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Rhesus, mamurhesusmamuug, Macaca_mulatta Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mamurhesusmamuugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mamurhesusmamuug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mamurhesusmamuug, Macaca_mulatta Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mamurhesusmamuugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammense for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammense for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammensg for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammensg for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammenst for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammenst for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammentrezg for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammentrezg for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammrefseq for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammrefseq for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammug for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammug for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammvegae for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammvegae for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammvegag for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammvegag for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammvegat for original CHIP mu11kaa Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammvegat for original CHIP mu11kaa biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubammvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubA_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kaa, mm11ksubammvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubammvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubammvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubammvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmense for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmense for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmensg for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmensg for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmenst for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmenst for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmentrezg for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmentrezg for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmrefseq for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmrefseq for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmug for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmug for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmvegae for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmvegae for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmvegag for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmvegag for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmvegat for original CHIP mu11kba Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmvegat for original CHIP mu11kba biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm11ksubbmmvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm11KsubB_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mu11kba, mm11ksubbmmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm11ksubbmmvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm11ksubbmmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm11ksubbmmvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmense for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmense for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmensg for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmensg for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmenst for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmenst for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmentrezg for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmentrezg for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmrefseq for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmrefseq for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmug for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmug for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmvegae for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmvegae for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmvegag for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmvegag for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmvegat for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430a2mmvegat for original CHIP Mouse430A_2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430a2mmvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A2_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, Mouse430A_2, mm430a2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430a2mmvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430a2mmvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430a2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430a2mmvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammense for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammense for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammensg for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammensg for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammenst for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammenst for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammentrezg for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammentrezg for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammrefseq for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammrefseq for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammug for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammug for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammvegae for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammvegae for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammvegag for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammvegag for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammvegat for original CHIP moe430a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammvegat for original CHIP moe430a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430ammvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430A_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430a, mm430ammvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430ammvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430ammvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430ammvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmense for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmense for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmensg for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmensg for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmenst for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmenst for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmentrezg for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmentrezg for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmrefseq for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmrefseq for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmug for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmug for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmvegae for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmvegae for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmvegag for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmvegag for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmvegat for original CHIP moe430b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmvegat for original CHIP moe430b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430bmmvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430B_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, moe430b, mm430bmmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430bmmvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430bmmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430bmmvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmense for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmense for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmensg for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmensg for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmenst for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmenst for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmentrezg for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmentrezg for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmrefseq for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmrefseq for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmug for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmug for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmvegae for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmvegae for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmvegag for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmvegag for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmvegat for original CHIP mouse4302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmvegat for original CHIP mouse4302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm430mmvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm430_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mouse4302, mm430mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm430mmvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm430mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm430mmvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmense for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmense for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmensg for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmensg for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmenst for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmenst for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmug for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmug for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmvegae for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmvegae for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmvegag for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmvegag for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmvegat for original CHIP mgu74a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmvegat for original CHIP mgu74a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av1mmvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av1_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74a, mm74av1mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av1mmvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av1mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av1mmvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmense for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmense for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmug for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmug for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmvegae for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmvegae for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmvegag for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmvegag for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmvegat for original CHIP mgu74av2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmvegat for original CHIP mgu74av2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74av2mmvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Av2_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74av2, mm74av2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74av2mmvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74av2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74av2mmvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmense for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmense for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmug for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmug for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmvegae for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmvegae for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmvegag for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmvegag for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmvegat for original CHIP mgu74bv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmvegat for original CHIP mgu74bv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74bv2mmvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Bv2_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74bv2, mm74bv2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74bv2mmvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74bv2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74bv2mmvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmense for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmense for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmense, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmensg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmenst, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmentrezg, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmrefseq, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmug for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmug for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmug, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegae Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmvegae for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmvegae for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegae_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegaecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmvegaecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_VEGAE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegaecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegaeprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmvegae Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmvegae, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegaeprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegag Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmvegag for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmvegag for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegag_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegagcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmvegagcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_VEGAG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegagcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegagprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmvegag Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmvegag, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegagprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegat Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmvegat for original CHIP mgu74cv2 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmvegat for original CHIP mgu74cv2 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Mus_musculus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegat_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegatcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: mm74cv2mmvegatcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Mm74Cv2_Mm_VEGAT.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mgu74cv2, mm74cv2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegatcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: mm74cv2mmvegatprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmvegat Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, mm74cv2mmvegat, Mus_musculus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/mm74cv2mmvegatprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: osriceosrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF osriceosrefseq for original CHIP rice Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF osriceosrefseq for original CHIP rice biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rice, osriceosrefseq, Oryza_sativa Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Oryza_sativa manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/osriceosrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: osriceosrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: osriceosrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/OsRice_Os_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rice, osriceosrefseq, Oryza_sativa Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/osriceosrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: osriceosrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type osriceosrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, osriceosrefseq, Oryza_sativa Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/osriceosrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnense for original CHIP rae230a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnense for original CHIP rae230a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230arnensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230A_Rn_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230arnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnensg for original CHIP rae230a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnensg for original CHIP rae230a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230arnensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230A_Rn_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230arnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnenst for original CHIP rae230a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnenst for original CHIP rae230a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230arnenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230A_Rn_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230arnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnentrezg for original CHIP rae230a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnentrezg for original CHIP rae230a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230arnentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230A_Rn_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230arnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnrefseq for original CHIP rae230a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnrefseq for original CHIP rae230a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230arnrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230A_Rn_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230arnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnug for original CHIP rae230a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnug for original CHIP rae230a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230arnugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230A_Rn_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230a, rn230arnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230arnugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230arnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230arnugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnense for original CHIP rae230b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnense for original CHIP rae230b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230brnensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230B_Rn_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230brnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnensg for original CHIP rae230b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnensg for original CHIP rae230b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230brnensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230B_Rn_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230brnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnenst for original CHIP rae230b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnenst for original CHIP rae230b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230brnenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230B_Rn_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230brnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnentrezg for original CHIP rae230b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnentrezg for original CHIP rae230b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230brnentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230B_Rn_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230brnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnrefseq for original CHIP rae230b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnrefseq for original CHIP rae230b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230brnrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230B_Rn_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230brnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnug for original CHIP rae230b Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnug for original CHIP rae230b biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230brnugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230B_Rn_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rae230b, rn230brnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230brnugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230brnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230brnugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnense for original CHIP rat2302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnense for original CHIP rat2302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230rnensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230_Rn_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230rnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnensg for original CHIP rat2302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnensg for original CHIP rat2302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230rnensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230_Rn_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230rnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnenst for original CHIP rat2302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnenst for original CHIP rat2302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230rnenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230_Rn_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230rnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnentrezg for original CHIP rat2302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnentrezg for original CHIP rat2302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230rnentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230_Rn_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230rnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnrefseq for original CHIP rat2302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnrefseq for original CHIP rat2302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230rnrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230_Rn_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230rnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnug for original CHIP rat2302 Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnug for original CHIP rat2302 biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn230rnugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn230_Rn_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rat2302, rn230rnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn230rnugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn230rnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn230rnugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnense Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnense for original CHIP rgu34a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnense for original CHIP rgu34a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnense_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnensecdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn34arnensecdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn34A_Rn_ENSE.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnensecdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnenseprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnense Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn34arnense, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnenseprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnensg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnensg for original CHIP rgu34a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnensg for original CHIP rgu34a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnensg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnensgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn34arnensgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn34A_Rn_ENSG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnensgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnensgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnensg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn34arnensg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnensgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnenst Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnenst for original CHIP rgu34a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnenst for original CHIP rgu34a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnenst_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnenstcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn34arnenstcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn34A_Rn_ENST.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnenstcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnenstprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnenst Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn34arnenst, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnenstprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnentrezg Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnentrezg for original CHIP rgu34a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnentrezg for original CHIP rgu34a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnentrezg_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnentrezgcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn34arnentrezgcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn34A_Rn_ENTREZG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnentrezgcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnentrezgprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnentrezg Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn34arnentrezg, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnentrezgprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnrefseq Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnrefseq for original CHIP rgu34a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnrefseq for original CHIP rgu34a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnrefseq_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnrefseqcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn34arnrefseqcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn34A_Rn_REFSEQ.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnrefseqcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnrefseqprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnrefseq Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn34arnrefseq, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnrefseqprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnug Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnug for original CHIP rgu34a Description: Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnug for original CHIP rgu34a biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL organism: Rattus_norvegicus manufacturer: Affymetrix source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnug_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnugcdf Version: 10.0.0 Depends: utils Title: rn34arnugcdf Description: A package containing an environment representing the newcdf/Rn34A_Rn_UG.cdf file. biocViews: MBNICustomCDF, AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rgu34a, rn34arnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: Manhong Dai Maintainer: Manhong Dai URL: License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnugcdf_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/ Package: rn34arnugprobe Version: 10.0.0 Depends: R (>= 1.6), matchprobes (>= 1.8.1) Title: Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnug Description: This package was automatically created by package matchprobes version 1.8.1. The probe sequence data was obtained from biocViews: AnnotationData, AffymetrixChip, rn34arnug, Rattus_norvegicus Author: The Bioconductor Project Maintainer: Manhong Dai License: LGPL source.ver: src/contrib/rn34arnugprobe_10.0.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.6/