Package | Maintainer | Title |
m10kcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink UniSet Mouse I Bioarray (~10 000 mouse gene targets) Annotation Data |
m20kcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink UniSet Mouse 20k I Bioarray Annotation Data |
mgu74a | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74a) |
mgu74acdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74acdf |
mgu74aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74a |
mgu74av2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74av2) |
mgu74av2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74av2cdf |
mgu74av2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74av2 |
mgu74b | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74b) |
mgu74bcdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74bcdf |
mgu74bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74b |
mgu74bv2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74bv2) |
mgu74bv2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74bv2cdf |
mgu74bv2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74bv2 |
mgu74c | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74c) |
mgu74ccdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74ccdf |
mgu74cprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74c |
mgu74cv2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74cv2) |
mgu74cv2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74cv2cdf |
mgu74cv2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74cv2 |
mguatlas5k | Biocore Data Team | Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Mouse 5K Annotation Data (mguatlas5k) |
mgug4104a | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for mgug4104a |
mgug4120a | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for mgug4120a |
mgug4121a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Mouse Annotation Data (mgug4121a) |
mgug4122a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Mouse Genome, Whole Annotation Data (mgug4122a) |
mm11ksubammense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubammense7cdf |
mm11ksubammense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammense7 |
mm11ksubammensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubammensg7cdf |
mm11ksubammensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammensg7 |
mm11ksubammenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubammenst7cdf |
mm11ksubammenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammenst7 |
mm11ksubammentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubammentrezg7cdf |
mm11ksubammentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammentrezg7 |
mm11ksubammrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubammrefseq7cdf |
mm11ksubammrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammrefseq7 |
mm11ksubammug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubammug7cdf |
mm11ksubammug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammug7 |
mm11ksubbmmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubbmmense7cdf |
mm11ksubbmmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmense7 |
mm11ksubbmmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubbmmensg7cdf |
mm11ksubbmmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmensg7 |
mm11ksubbmmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubbmmenst7cdf |
mm11ksubbmmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmenst7 |
mm11ksubbmmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubbmmentrezg7cdf |
mm11ksubbmmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmentrezg7 |
mm11ksubbmmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubbmmrefseq7cdf |
mm11ksubbmmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmrefseq7 |
mm11ksubbmmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm11ksubbmmug7cdf |
mm11ksubbmmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmug7 |
mm430ammense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammense7cdf |
mm430ammense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammense7 |
mm430ammensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammensg7cdf |
mm430ammensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammensg7 |
mm430ammenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammenst7cdf |
mm430ammenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammenst7 |
mm430ammentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammentrezg7cdf |
mm430ammentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammentrezg7 |
mm430ammrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammrefseq7cdf |
mm430ammrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammrefseq7 |
mm430ammug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammug7cdf |
mm430ammug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammug7 |
mm430bmmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmense7cdf |
mm430bmmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmense7 |
mm430bmmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmensg7cdf |
mm430bmmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmensg7 |
mm430bmmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmenst7cdf |
mm430bmmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmenst7 |
mm430bmmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmentrezg7cdf |
mm430bmmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmentrezg7 |
mm430bmmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmrefseq7cdf |
mm430bmmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmrefseq7 |
mm430bmmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmug7cdf |
mm430bmmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmug7 |
mm430mmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmense7cdf |
mm430mmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmense7 |
mm430mmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmensg7cdf |
mm430mmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmensg7 |
mm430mmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmenst7cdf |
mm430mmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmenst7 |
mm430mmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmentrezg7cdf |
mm430mmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmentrezg7 |
mm430mmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmrefseq7cdf |
mm430mmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmrefseq7 |
mm430mmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmug7cdf |
mm430mmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmug7 |
mm74av1mmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av1mmense7cdf |
mm74av1mmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmense7 |
mm74av1mmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av1mmensg7cdf |
mm74av1mmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmensg7 |
mm74av1mmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av1mmenst7cdf |
mm74av1mmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmenst7 |
mm74av1mmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av1mmentrezg7cdf |
mm74av1mmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmentrezg7 |
mm74av1mmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av1mmrefseq7cdf |
mm74av1mmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmrefseq7 |
mm74av1mmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av1mmug7cdf |
mm74av1mmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmug7 |
mm74av2mmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmense7cdf |
mm74av2mmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmense7 |
mm74av2mmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmensg7cdf |
mm74av2mmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmensg7 |
mm74av2mmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmenst7cdf |
mm74av2mmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmenst7 |
mm74av2mmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmentrezg7cdf |
mm74av2mmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmentrezg7 |
mm74av2mmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmrefseq7cdf |
mm74av2mmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmrefseq7 |
mm74av2mmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmug7cdf |
mm74av2mmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmug7 |
mmex10stv1mmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mmex10stv1mmense7cdf |
mmex10stv1mmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmense7 |
mmex10stv1mmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mmex10stv1mmensg7cdf |
mmex10stv1mmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmensg7 |
mmex10stv1mmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mmex10stv1mmenst7cdf |
mmex10stv1mmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmenst7 |
mmex10stv1mmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mmex10stv1mmentrezg7cdf |
mmex10stv1mmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmentrezg7 |
mmex10stv1mmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mmex10stv1mmrefseq7cdf |
mmex10stv1mmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmrefseq7 |
mmex10stv1mmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mmex10stv1mmug7cdf |
mmex10stv1mmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmug7 |
mmuhomology | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for mmuhomology |
MmusculusGenome.mm7 | H. Pages | Mus musculus (mouse) genome (UCSC Release mm7) |
moe430a | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 Annotation Data (moe430a) |
moe430acdf | Biocore Data Team | moe430acdf |
moe430aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430a |
moe430b | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 Annotation Data (moe430b) |
moe430bcdf | Biocore Data Team | moe430bcdf |
moe430bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430b |
mouse4302 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array Annotation Data (mouse4302) |
mouse4302cdf | Biocore Data Team | mouse4302cdf |
mouse4302probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse4302 |
mouse430a2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 Array Annotation Data (mouse430a2) |
mouse430a2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mouse430a2cdf |
mouse430a2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse430a2 |
mouseCHRLOC | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for mouseCHRLOC |
mouseLLMappings | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for mouseLLMappings |
mu11ksuba | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine 11K Set Annotation Data (mu11ksuba) |
mu11ksubacdf | Biocore Data Team | mu11ksubacdf |
mu11ksubaprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mu11ksuba |
mu11ksubb | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine 11K Set Annotation Data (mu11ksubb) |
mu11ksubbcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu11ksubbcdf |
mu11ksubbprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mu11ksubb |
mu19ksuba | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksuba) |
mu19ksubacdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubacdf |
mu19ksubb | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksubb) |
mu19ksubbcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubbcdf |
mu19ksubc | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksubc) |
mu19ksubccdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubccdf |
mu6500subacdf | Biocore Data Team | mu6500subacdf |
mu6500subbcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu6500subbcdf |
mu6500subccdf | Biocore Data Team | mu6500subccdf |
mu6500subdcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu6500subdcdf |
mwgcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink Mouse Whole Genome Bioarray (~36 000 mouse gene targets) Annotation Data |