biocinstall <- function(pkgs, lib = destdir, destdir, develOK=FALSE, groupName="default", ...) { ## Install Bioconductor packages using CRAN-style repositories ## ## pkgs: character vector of Bioconductor packages to install. ## The groupName argument will be ignored if pkgs is specified. ## ## lib: character vector giving the library directories where to ## install the packages. Recycled as needed. ## ## destdir: deprecated. Use lib. ## ## groupName: character matching one of "affy", "default", ## "graph", "all" ## ## ...: extra arguments passed to install.packages. Of particular interest ## may be the dependencies argument. This script defaults to TRUE for ## R 2.0.x and to "Depends" for R 2.1.x. For R 2.1.x, you can set ## dependencies=c("Depends", "Suggests", "Imports"). ## ## develOK: Deprecated. To receive developmental software and packages, ## running the development version of R should be practiced. ## !!! Always change version number when updating this file !!! VERSION <- "1.1" if (develOK) { stop("develOK has been deprecated. If you would like to use this script for installing developmental packages, you must install the devel version of R.") } stopifnot(require("utils")) ## Verify we're running a recent enough version of R requiredRVer <- "2.2.0" thisRVer <- paste(R.Version()[c("major", "minor")], collapse=".") if (compareVersion(thisRVer, requiredRVer) < 0) { stop(paste("\nYou are currently running R version ", thisRVer, ", however R version ", requiredRVer, " is required.",sep="")) } cat(paste("\nRunning biocinstall version", VERSION," with R version ", thisRVer, "\n")) biocRepRoot = "" if (!missing(pkgs)) { if (is.null(pkgs) || length(pkgs) == 0) stop("pkgs was set to ", sQuote(pkgs), ". I was expecting a non-empty character vector.") pkgsToInstall <- pkgs } else { ## pkgs missing affyPkgs <- c("affy", "affycomp", "affydata", "affyPLM", "annaffy", "gcrma", "makecdfenv", "matchprobes", "marray") graphPkgs <- c("graph", "Rgraphviz", "RBGL") defaultPkgs <- c("affy", "affydata", "affyPLM", "annaffy", "annotate", "Biobase", "Biostrings", "DynDoc", "edd", "gcrma", "genefilter", "geneplotter", "globaltest", "hgu95av2", "limma", "makecdfenv", "marray", "matchprobes", "multtest", "pamr", "reposTools", "ROC", "siggenes", "sma", "statmod", "tkWidgets", "vsn", "widgetTools", "xtable") litePkgs <- c("affy", "affydata", "affyPLM", "annaffy", "annotate", "Biobase", "Biostrings", "DynDoc", "gcrma", "genefilter", "geneplotter", "hgu95av2", "limma", "marray", "matchprobes", "multtest", "reposTools", "ROC", "vsn", "xtable") biocRep = paste(biocRepRoot, "devel", sep="/") allPkgs = CRAN.packages(CRAN=biocRep)[, "Package"] pkgsToInstall <- switch(groupName, "affy"=affyPkgs, "graph"=graphPkgs, "default"=defaultPkgs, "lite"=litePkgs, "all"=allPkgs, stop("unknown groupName ", sQuote(groupName))) } if (missing(lib)) { lib <- .libPaths()[1] } args <- list(...) nms <- names(args) if (! "dependencies" %in% nms) args[["dependencies"]] <- c("Depends", "Imports") ## CRAN-style Repositories where we'll look for packages reposList = c( "", "", "", "", "", "") args <- c(list(pkgs=pkgsToInstall, repos=reposList, lib=lib), args)"install.packages", args) }