title: "R Notebook"
output: html_notebook
options( max.print=300 )
Differential expression
Our example data
Himes et al (PLOS One, 2014, PMID: 24926665):
- effect of dexamethasone treatment on airway epithelium
- 4 cell lines, derived from 4 donors
- 2 sample each: dexamethasone and control
library( airway )
data( airway )
8 samples:
Fix sample names
colnames(dds) <- c( "D1u", "D1t", "D2u", "D2t", "D3u", "D3t", "D4u", "D4t" )
# better:
colnames(dds) <- paste0( "D", as.integer(dds$cell), substr( dds$dex, 1, 1 ) )
Count table:
head( assay(airway) )
Convert the gene IDs to names:
a <- AnnotationDbi::intraIDMapper( rownames(airway), species="HOMSA",
srcIDType="ENSEMBL", destIDType = "SYMBOL" )
# Do not simply do this:
# rownames(airway) <- a
rownames(airway)[ match( names(a), rownames(airway) ) ] <- unlist(a)
head( assay( airway ) )
A quick analysis with DESeq2
library( DESeq2 )
dds <- DESeqDataSet( airway, ~ cell + dex )
dds <- DESeq( dds )
res <- results(dds)
res[ order(res$padj), ]
Plot the top hit
library( ggplot2 )
ggplot( cbind(
as.data.frame( colData(dds) ),
expr_SPARCL1 = counts( dds, normalized=TRUE )["SPARCL1",] ) ) +
geom_point( aes(
x = cell, y = expr_SPARCL1, col = dex ) ) +
Get an overview
plotMA( dds, ylim = c( -5, 5 ) )
A more detailed look
Open questions (that you may have)
- What determines the black/red decision boundary?
- What are "normalized counts"?
- Why the "trumpet shape"?
A naive try
Take only the first cell line, "N61311"
```{r fig.asp=1}
plot( counts(dds)[,1], counts(dds)[,2], asp=1 )
Log scale
```{r fig.asp=1}
plot( counts(dds)[,1] + 1, counts(dds)[,2] + 1, log="xy" ) #, pch="." )
Let's calculate the average and the ratio:
avg_N61311 <- ( counts(dds)[,1] + counts(dds)[,2] )/2
ratio_N61311 <- counts(dds)[,2] / counts(dds)[,1]
plot( avg_N61311, ratio_N61311 )
avg_N61311 <- ( counts(dds)[,1] + counts(dds)[,2] )/2
ratio_N61311 <- ( counts(dds)[,2] + 1 ) / ( counts(dds)[,1] + 1 )
plot( avg_N61311, ratio_N61311, log="xy", pch="." )
How well does this agree with the second cell line, N052611?
```{r fig.asp=1}
ratio_N052611 <- ( counts(dds)[,4] + 1 ) / ( counts(dds)[,3] + 1 )
plot( ratio_N61311, ratio_N052611, log="xy", pch="." )
Some genes agree well, others are in complete contradiction.
How to enforce consistency? And what exactly do we actually want?
But before, some more topics.
Back to our MA plot, here for the second cell line (N052611):
avg_N052611 <- ( counts(dds)[,3] + counts(dds)[,4] )/2
ratio_N052611 <- counts(dds)[,4] / counts(dds)[,3]
plot( avg_N052611, ratio_N052611, log="xy", pch=".", ylim=c(.1, 10) )
abline( h=1, col=adjustcolor("green",.4), lwd=3 )
The line is too high
This may be because the untreated sample has more counts in total
colSums( counts(dds) )/ 1e6
Should we simply move the green line to the ratio of the two sums?
plot( avg_N052611, ratio_N052611, log="xy", pch=".", ylim=c(.1, 10) )
abline( h = 1, col=adjustcolor("green",.4), lwd=3 )
Should we simply move the green line to the ratio of the two sums?
plot( avg_N052611, ratio_N052611, log="xy", pch=".", ylim=c(.1, 10) )
abline( h = 15.16342 / 25.34865, col=adjustcolor("green",.4), lwd=3 )
That works, but why not move it into the center of the point cloud?
hist( log2( ratio_N052611 ), breaks=50 )
abline( v = log2( 15.16342 / 25.34865 ), col=adjustcolor("green",.4), lwd=3 )
median_ratio_N052611 <- median( ratio_N052611, na.rm=TRUE )
abline( v = log2( median_ratio_N052611 ), col=adjustcolor("orange",.4), lwd=3 )
The median is a tad better. Let's multiply
plot( avg_N052611, ratio_N052611 / median_ratio_N052611, log="xy", pch=".", ylim=c(.1, 10) )
abline( h = 1, col=adjustcolor("orange",.4), lwd=3 )
We could calculate the medians of ratios of all pairs of samples
sapply( 1:8, function(i)
sapply( 1:8, function(j)
median( counts(dds)[,j] / counts(dds)[,i], na.rm=TRUE ) ) )
That's too many numbers.
Let's make one averaged "reference" sample, and normalize everything against that one.
Virtual reference sample: geometric average of all counts
vref_counts <- apply( counts(dds), 1, function(x) prod(x) ^ (1/length(x)) )
head( vref_counts, 20 )
Normalize each against that one
sapply( 1:8, function(i)
median( counts(dds)[,i] / vref_counts, na.rm=TRUE ) )
DESeq does this automatically:
It's not the same. Why? Because, above, the `na.rm=TRUE` does not exclude zeroes. This is better:
sapply( 1:8, function(i)
median( ( counts(dds)[,i] / vref_counts) [ vref_counts>0 ] ) )
Permutation test
Let's do a very simple, but actually statistically valid analysis.
First, calculate the log fold changes.
#log norm counts
lnc <- log2( counts( dds, normalized=TRUE ) + 1 )
lmeans <- rowMeans( lnc )
lfc <- rowMeans(
lnc[ , c( "D1t", "D2t", "D3t", "D4t" ) ] -
lnc[ , c( "D1u", "D2u", "D3u", "D4u" ) ] )
plot( lmeans, lfc, cex=.1, ylim=c( -4, 4 ) )
Pick two cell lines at random: For these, swap control and treatment samples, then recalculate
log fold changes
lfc_perm <- rowMeans(
lnc[ , c( "D1t", "D2u", "D3u", "D4t" ) ] -
lnc[ , c( "D1u", "D2t", "D3t", "D4u" ) ] )
plot( lmeans, lfc_perm, log="x", cex=.1, ylim=c( -4, 4 ) )
plot( lmeans, lfc, log="x", cex=.1, ylim=c( -4, 4 ) )
points( lmeans, lfc_perm, cex=.1, col="purple" )
Poisson noise
Imagine a bag with 10,000 balls, 10% of which are red
```{r fig.width=12}
a <- cbind(
expand.grid( x=1:125, y=1:80 ),
col=sample( c( rep( "lightyellow", 9000 ), rep( "indianred1", 1000 ) ) ) )
ggplot(a) +
geom_point( aes( x=x, y=y ), col=a$col, size=.5) +
theme_dark() + coord_fixed()
Each of you is allowed to look at 20 balls, then estimate the percentage of red balls.
```{r fig.height=12}
ggplot(a) +
geom_point( aes( x=x, y=y ), col=a$col, size=5) + theme_dark() +
coord_fixed( xlim=c(0,19.5), ylim=c(0,19.5))
barplot( table( rowSums( matrix( a$col, ncol=20 ) == "indianred1" ) ) )
expected_number_of_red_balls <- 0.1 * 20
dpois( 0:10, expected_number_of_red_balls ),
type = "h", lwd=4,
xlab = "number k of red balls",
ylab = "probability",
main = "Poisson distribution with expectation 2" )
expected_number_of_red_balls <- 0.1 * 1000
dpois( 0:200, expected_number_of_red_balls ),
type = "h", lwd=1,
xlab = "number k of red balls",
ylab = "probability",
main = "Poisson distribution with expectation 100" )
What *fraction* of red balls do we estimate in the first case (expected number: 2 of 20),
and in the second case (100 of 1000)?
```{r fig.height=4,fig.width=10}
expected_number_of_red_balls <- 0.1 * 20
par( mfrow=c(1,2) )
0:20 / 20,
dpois( 0:20, 2 ),
type = "h", lwd=5, lend=2,
xlab = "estimated fraction of red balls",
ylab = "probability",
xlim = c( 0, 1 ),
main = "expected: 2 of 20 (10%)" )
0:1000 / 1000,
dpois( 0:1000, 100 ),
type = "h", lwd=1, lend=2,
xlab = "estimated fraction of red balls",
ylab = "probability",
xlim = c( 0, 1 ),
main = "expected: 100 of 1000 (10%)" )
The negative binomial distribution
Assume a gene is expressed with 5 reads in your control sample and 8 reads in your treated samples
conds <- rep( c( "C", "T" ), each=4 )
cond = conds,
nreads = rpois( 8, c( C=5, T=8 )[ conds ] ) ) %>%
ggplot +
geom_beeswarm( aes( x=cond, y=nreads ) )
table( replicate( 1000, mean( rpois( 4, 5 ) ) - mean( rpois( 4, 8 ) ) ) > 0 )
Now, C: 1000, T: 1010
conds <- rep( c( "C", "T" ), each=4 )
cond = conds,
nreads = rpois( 8, c( C=1000, T=1100 )[ conds ] ) ) %>%
ggplot +
geom_beeswarm( aes( x=cond, y=nreads ) )
table( replicate( 10000, mean( rpois( 4, 1000 ) ) - mean( rpois( 4, 1100 ) ) ) > 0 )
More realistic:
ctrl <- rnorm( 4, mean=1000, sd=200 )
trt <- rnorm( 4, mean=1100, sd=200 )
rpois( 4, lambda=ctrl )
rpois( 4, lambda=trt )
replicate( 10000,
mean( rpois( 4, lambda = rnorm( 4, mean=1000, sd=200 ) ) ) -
mean( rpois( 4, lambda = rnorm( 4, mean=1100, sd=200 ) ) ) ) > 0 )
Getting the SD right is crucial.