Use SVN to check out the ‘R-3-4-branch’ source code. The specific location is not so important, but I like to have a ‘src’ and ‘bin’ user directory. This requires that subversion is installed.
mkdir -p ~/src/ && cd ~/src
svn co
Requires admin rights if the ‘devel’ version of system libraries need to be installed.
(an easy cheat – get dependencies by using your package manager to install a ‘dev’ version of current R, e.g., sudo apt-get install r-base-dev
). But then do the svn stuff anyway.
I do an SVN checkout into a ‘source’ directory, then build in a ‘bin’ directory. I build without optimization (for easy debugging)
mkdir -p ~/src/ && cd ~/src
svn co
mkdir -p ~/bin/R-3-4-branch
cd ~/bin/R-3-4-branch
CFLAGS="-g -O0" CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" ~/src/R-3-4-branch/configure \
--enable-R-shlib --enable-memory-profiling
make -j
Use the built version in-place (no need to install) ~/bin/R-3-4-branch/bin/R
Mac (requires admin rights)
to your PATH.Build R in the source directory
cd R-3-4-branch/src/gnuwin32
cp MkRules.dist MkRules.local
make rsync-extsoft
make -j
Use your version of R, e.g., ../../bin/i386/Rgui.exe