
1 Annotation

Static packages

Web-based resources, e.g., biomaRt, PSICQUIC, GEOquery, …

Genome-scale resources via AnnotationHub

hub = AnnotationHub()
## snapshotDate(): 2016-11-15
## AnnotationHub with 43905 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2016-11-15 
## # $dataprovider: BroadInstitute, UCSC, Ensembl, EncodeDCC,
## # $species: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Bos taurus, Pan troglodytes, Danio rerio, Rattus norvegi...
## # $rdataclass: GRanges, BigWigFile, FaFile, TwoBitFile, ChainFile, OrgDb, Inparanoid8Db,
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description, coordinate_1_based, maintainer,
## #   rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags, sourceurl, sourcetype 
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH2"]]' 
##             title                                               
##   AH2     | Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.69.dna.toplevel.fa   
##   AH3     | Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.69.dna_rm.toplevel.fa
##   AH4     | Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.69.dna_sm.toplevel.fa
##   AH5     | Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.69.ncrna.fa          
##   AH6     | Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.69.pep.all.fa        
##   ...       ...                                                 
##   AH51083 | Pteropus_vampyrus.pteVam1.85.gtf                    
##   AH51084 | Rattus_norvegicus.Rnor_6.0.85.abinitio.gtf          
##   AH51085 | Rattus_norvegicus.Rnor_6.0.85.chr.gtf               
##   AH51086 | Rattus_norvegicus.Rnor_6.0.85.gtf                   
##   AH51087 | Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.85.abinitio.gtf
query(hub, c("ensembl", "81.gtf"))
## AnnotationHub with 69 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2016-11-15 
## # $dataprovider: Ensembl
## # $species: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Anas platyrhynchos, Anolis carolinensis, Astyanax mexicanus,...
## # $rdataclass: GRanges
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description, coordinate_1_based, maintainer,
## #   rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags, sourceurl, sourcetype 
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH47937"]]' 
##             title                                   
##   AH47937 | Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.81.gtf   
##   AH47938 | Anas_platyrhynchos.BGI_duck_1.0.81.gtf  
##   AH47939 | Anolis_carolinensis.AnoCar2.0.81.gtf    
##   AH47940 | Astyanax_mexicanus.AstMex102.81.gtf     
##   AH47941 | Bos_taurus.UMD3.1.81.gtf                
##   ...       ...                                     
##   AH48001 | Tupaia_belangeri.TREESHREW.81.gtf       
##   AH48002 | Tursiops_truncatus.turTru1.81.gtf       
##   AH48003 | Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.81.gtf            
##   AH48004 | Xenopus_tropicalis.JGI_4.2.81.gtf       
##   AH48005 | Xiphophorus_maculatus.Xipmac4.4.2.81.gtf
## loading from cache '/home/mtmorgan//.AnnotationHub/54310'
## using guess work to populate seqinfo
## GRanges object with 581787 ranges and 19 metadata columns:
##              seqnames       ranges strand |   source        type     score     phase
##                 <Rle>    <IRanges>  <Rle> | <factor>    <factor> <numeric> <integer>
##        [1] GL172637.1   [ 34, 148]      - |  ensembl        gene      <NA>      <NA>
##        [2] GL172637.1   [ 34, 148]      - |  ensembl  transcript      <NA>      <NA>
##        [3] GL172637.1   [ 34, 148]      - |  ensembl        exon      <NA>      <NA>
##        [4] GL172637.1   [606, 720]      - |  ensembl        gene      <NA>      <NA>
##        [5] GL172637.1   [606, 720]      - |  ensembl  transcript      <NA>      <NA>
##        ...        ...          ...    ... .      ...         ...       ...       ...
##   [581783] GL180121.1 [ 865,  867]      + |  ensembl start_codon      <NA>         0
##   [581784] GL180121.1 [ 992, 1334]      + |  ensembl        exon      <NA>      <NA>
##   [581785] GL180121.1 [ 992, 1334]      + |  ensembl         CDS      <NA>         2
##   [581786] GL180121.1 [1817, 1835]      + |  ensembl        exon      <NA>      <NA>
##   [581787] GL180121.1 [1817, 1835]      + |  ensembl         CDS      <NA>         1
##                       gene_id gene_version   gene_name gene_source   gene_biotype
##                   <character>    <numeric> <character> <character>    <character>
##        [1] ENSXETG00000030486            1          U5     ensembl          snRNA
##        [2] ENSXETG00000030486            1          U5     ensembl          snRNA
##        [3] ENSXETG00000030486            1          U5     ensembl          snRNA
##        [4] ENSXETG00000031766            1          U5     ensembl          snRNA
##        [5] ENSXETG00000031766            1          U5     ensembl          snRNA
##        ...                ...          ...         ...         ...            ...
##   [581783] ENSXETG00000033193            1        <NA>     ensembl protein_coding
##   [581784] ENSXETG00000033193            1        <NA>     ensembl protein_coding
##   [581785] ENSXETG00000033193            1        <NA>     ensembl protein_coding
##   [581786] ENSXETG00000033193            1        <NA>     ensembl protein_coding
##   [581787] ENSXETG00000033193            1        <NA>     ensembl protein_coding
##                 transcript_id transcript_version transcript_name transcript_source
##                   <character>          <numeric>     <character>       <character>
##        [1]               <NA>               <NA>            <NA>              <NA>
##        [2] ENSXETT00000065882                  1          U5-201           ensembl
##        [3] ENSXETT00000065882                  1          U5-201           ensembl
##        [4]               <NA>               <NA>            <NA>              <NA>
##        [5] ENSXETT00000061796                  1          U5-201           ensembl
##        ...                ...                ...             ...               ...
##   [581783] ENSXETT00000053735                  2            <NA>           ensembl
##   [581784] ENSXETT00000053735                  2            <NA>           ensembl
##   [581785] ENSXETT00000053735                  2            <NA>           ensembl
##   [581786] ENSXETT00000053735                  2            <NA>           ensembl
##   [581787] ENSXETT00000053735                  2            <NA>           ensembl
##            transcript_biotype exon_number            exon_id exon_version         protein_id
##                   <character>   <numeric>        <character>    <numeric>        <character>
##        [1]               <NA>        <NA>               <NA>         <NA>               <NA>
##        [2]              snRNA        <NA>               <NA>         <NA>               <NA>
##        [3]              snRNA           1 ENSXETE00000393193            1               <NA>
##        [4]               <NA>        <NA>               <NA>         <NA>               <NA>
##        [5]              snRNA        <NA>               <NA>         <NA>               <NA>
##        ...                ...         ...                ...          ...                ...
##   [581783]     protein_coding           1               <NA>         <NA>               <NA>
##   [581784]     protein_coding           2 ENSXETE00000303775            2               <NA>
##   [581785]     protein_coding           2               <NA>         <NA> ENSXETP00000053735
##   [581786]     protein_coding           3 ENSXETE00000416553            1               <NA>
##   [581787]     protein_coding           3               <NA>         <NA> ENSXETP00000053735
##            protein_version
##                  <numeric>
##        [1]            <NA>
##        [2]            <NA>
##        [3]            <NA>
##        [4]            <NA>
##        [5]            <NA>
##        ...             ...
##   [581783]            <NA>
##   [581784]            <NA>
##   [581785]               2
##   [581786]            <NA>
##   [581787]               2
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 2375 sequences from JGI_4 genome; no seqlengths

Load the org package for Homo sapiens.


Use select() to annotate the HNRNPC gene symbol with its Entrez identifier and less formal gene name. Create a map between SYMBOL and ENTREZID using mapIds().

## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
##   SYMBOL ENTREZID                                          GENENAME
## 1 HNRNPC     3183 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C (C1/C2)
sym2eg <- mapIds(, "HNRNPC", "ENTREZID", "SYMBOL")
## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns

Load the TxDb package for the UCSC hg19 knownGene track

txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene

Extract coordinates of genes, and of exons grouped by gene for the HNRNPC gene.

gns <- genes(txdb)
exonsBy(txdb, "gene")[sym2eg]
## GRangesList object of length 1:
## $3183 
## GRanges object with 19 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##        seqnames               ranges strand |   exon_id   exon_name
##           <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character>
##    [1]    chr14 [21677296, 21679465]      - |    184100        <NA>
##    [2]    chr14 [21678927, 21679725]      - |    184101        <NA>
##    [3]    chr14 [21679565, 21679672]      - |    184102        <NA>
##    [4]    chr14 [21679565, 21679725]      - |    184103        <NA>
##    [5]    chr14 [21679969, 21680062]      - |    184104        <NA>
##    ...      ...                  ...    ... .       ...         ...
##   [15]    chr14 [21702237, 21702388]      - |    184114        <NA>
##   [16]    chr14 [21730760, 21730927]      - |    184115        <NA>
##   [17]    chr14 [21731470, 21731495]      - |    184116        <NA>
##   [18]    chr14 [21731826, 21731988]      - |    184117        <NA>
##   [19]    chr14 [21737457, 21737638]      - |    184118        <NA>
## -------
## seqinfo: 93 sequences (1 circular) from hg19 genome

The RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14 package is an example of an experiment data package. It contains a subset of BAM files used in a gene knock-down experiment, as described in ?RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14. Load the package and get the path to the BAM files.

fls = RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES
## [1] "ERR127306_chr14.bam" "ERR127307_chr14.bam" "ERR127308_chr14.bam" "ERR127309_chr14.bam"
## [5] "ERR127302_chr14.bam" "ERR127303_chr14.bam" "ERR127304_chr14.bam" "ERR127305_chr14.bam"

Create BamFileList(), basically telling R that these are paths to BAM files rather than, say, text files from a spreadsheet.

bfls = BamFileList(fls)
bfl = bfls[[1]]

Use the gene coordinates to query the BAM file for a specific genomic region; see ?ScanBamParam() for other ways of restricting data input.

param <- ScanBamParam(which=gns[sym2eg])
readGAlignments(bfl, param=param)
## GAlignments object with 5422 alignments and 0 metadata columns:
##          seqnames strand       cigar    qwidth     start       end     width     njunc
##             <Rle>  <Rle> <character> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
##      [1]    chr14      +         72M        72  21677347  21677418        72         0
##      [2]    chr14      +         72M        72  21677352  21677423        72         0
##      [3]    chr14      +         72M        72  21677354  21677425        72         0
##      [4]    chr14      +         72M        72  21677355  21677426        72         0
##      [5]    chr14      +         72M        72  21677373  21677444        72         0
##      ...      ...    ...         ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
##   [5418]    chr14      -         72M        72  21737512  21737583        72         0
##   [5419]    chr14      -         72M        72  21737520  21737591        72         0
##   [5420]    chr14      -         72M        72  21737520  21737591        72         0
##   [5421]    chr14      -         72M        72  21737521  21737592        72         0
##   [5422]    chr14      -         72M        72  21737534  21737605        72         0
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 93 sequences from an unspecified genome

Load the airway experiment data package

## class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 64102 8 
## metadata(1): ''
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(64102): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... LRG_98 LRG_99
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(8): SRR1039508 SRR1039509 ... SRR1039520 SRR1039521
## colData names(9): SampleName cell ... Sample BioSample

The row names are Ensembl gene identifiers. Use mapIds() to map from these to gene symbols.

symid <- mapIds(, rownames(airway), "SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL")
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns

Add the gene symbols to the summarized experiment object.

mcols(rowRanges(airway))$symid <- symid

1.1 AnnotationHub

The Roadmap Epigenomics Project generated genome-wide maps of regulatory marks across a number of cell lines.

Retrieve the Epigenome Roadmap table from AnnotationHub

hub <- AnnotationHub()
## snapshotDate(): 2016-11-15
query(hub, c("epigenome", "metadata"))
## AnnotationHub with 1 record
## # snapshotDate(): 2016-11-15 
## # names(): AH41830
## # $dataprovider: BroadInstitute
## # $species: Homo sapiens
## # $rdataclass: data.frame
## # $title:
## # $description: Metadata for EpigenomeRoadMap Project
## # $taxonomyid: 9606
## # $genome: hg19
## # $sourcetype: tab
## # $sourceurl:
## # $sourcelastmodifieddate: 2015-02-15
## # $sourcesize: 18035
## # $tags: c("EpigenomeRoadMap", "Metadata") 
## # retrieve record with 'object[["AH41830"]]'
meta <- hub[["AH41830"]]
## loading from cache '/home/mtmorgan//.AnnotationHub/47270'

Explore the metadata to identify a cell line of interest to you; see also the metadata spreadsheet version of the data made available by the Epigenome roadmap project.

##            ADRENAL              BLOOD               BONE              BRAIN             BREAST 
##                  1                 27                  1                 13                  3 
##             CERVIX                ESC        ESC_DERIVED                FAT           GI_COLON 
##                  1                  8                  9                  3                  3 
##        GI_DUODENUM       GI_ESOPHAGUS       GI_INTESTINE          GI_RECTUM         GI_STOMACH 
##                  2                  1                  3                  3                  4 
##              HEART               IPSC             KIDNEY              LIVER               LUNG 
##                  4                  5                  1                  2                  5 
##             MUSCLE         MUSCLE_LEG              OVARY           PANCREAS           PLACENTA 
##                  7                  1                  1                  2                  2 
##               SKIN             SPLEEN STROMAL_CONNECTIVE             THYMUS           VASCULAR 
##                  8                  1                  2                  2                  2
meta[meta$ANATOMY == "LIVER",]
##      EID      GROUP   COLOR       MNEMONIC                                 STD_NAME
## 64  E066      Other #999999       LIV.ADLT                                    Liver
## 116 E118 ENCODE2012 #000000 LIV.HEPG2.CNCR HepG2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Line
##                         EDACC_NAME ANATOMY          TYPE     AGE   SEX SOLID_LIQUID ETHNICITY
## 64                     Adult_Liver   LIVER PrimaryTissue Unknown Mixed        SOLID   Unknown
## 116 HepG2_Hepatocellular_Carcinoma   LIVER      CellLine          Male                       
## 64                      C
## 116                    SD

Use the ‘EID’ to query for and retrieve the ‘mnemonic’ file summarizing chromatin state

query(hub, c("E118", "mnemonic"))
## AnnotationHub with 1 record
## # snapshotDate(): 2016-11-15 
## # names(): AH46971
## # $dataprovider: BroadInstitute
## # $species: Homo sapiens
## # $rdataclass: GRanges
## # $title: E118_15_coreMarks_mnemonics.bed.gz
## # $description: 15 state chromatin segmentations from EpigenomeRoadMap Project
## # $taxonomyid: 9606
## # $genome: hg19
## # $sourcetype: BED
## # $sourceurl:
## # $sourcelastmodifieddate: 2013-10-11
## # $sourcesize: 3231313
## # $tags: c("EpigenomeRoadMap", "chromhmmSegmentations", "ChmmModels", "coreMarks",
## #   "E118", "ENCODE2012", "LIV.HEPG2.CNCR", "HepG2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Line") 
## # retrieve record with 'object[["AH46971"]]'
E118 <- hub[["AH46971"]]
## loading from cache '/home/mtmorgan//.AnnotationHub/52411'
## GRanges object with 561497 ranges and 4 metadata columns:
##            seqnames               ranges strand |        abbr                    name
##               <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle> | <character>             <character>
##        [1]    chr10     [     1, 113200]      * |    15_Quies           Quiescent/Low
##        [2]    chr10     [113201, 119600]      * | 14_ReprPCWk Weak Repressed PolyComb
##        [3]    chr10     [119601, 120000]      * |   10_TssBiv     Bivalent/Poised TSS
##        [4]    chr10     [120001, 120200]      * |      1_TssA              Active TSS
##        [5]    chr10     [120201, 120400]      * |  2_TssAFlnk     Flanking Active TSS
##        ...      ...                  ...    ... .         ...                     ...
##   [561493]     chrY [58907201, 58967400]      * |    15_Quies           Quiescent/Low
##   [561494]     chrY [58967401, 58972000]      * |       9_Het         Heterochromatin
##   [561495]     chrY [58972001, 58997400]      * |  8_ZNF/Rpts     ZNF genes & repeats
##   [561496]     chrY [58997401, 59033600]      * |       9_Het         Heterochromatin
##   [561497]     chrY [59033601, 59373400]      * |    15_Quies           Quiescent/Low
##                   color_name  color_code
##                  <character> <character>
##        [1]             White     #FFFFFF
##        [2]         Gainsboro     #C0C0C0
##        [3]         IndianRed     #CD5C5C
##        [4]               Red     #FF0000
##        [5]        Orange Red     #FF4500
##        ...               ...         ...
##   [561493]             White     #FFFFFF
##   [561494]     PaleTurquoise     #8A91D0
##   [561495] Medium Aquamarine     #66CDAA
##   [561496]     PaleTurquoise     #8A91D0
##   [561497]             White     #FFFFFF
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 93 sequences (1 circular) from hg19 genome

Explore the object, e.g., tabulating the different chromatin state classifications (in the name column). Subset the object to return, e.g., just those regions marked as ‘Heterochromatin’

##                 Active TSS          Bivalent Enhancer        Bivalent/Poised TSS 
##                      20010                      23155                      13214 
##                  Enhancers        Flanking Active TSS  Flanking Bivalent TSS/Enh 
##                     110260                      45115                      15844 
##            Genic enhancers            Heterochromatin              Quiescent/Low 
##                      14995                      31193                      61759 
##         Repressed PolyComb       Strong transcription Transcr. at gene 5' and 3' 
##                      44013                      32522                       2515 
##    Weak Repressed PolyComb         Weak transcription        ZNF genes & repeats 
##                      60867                      83738                       2297
E118[E118$name %in% "Heterochromatin"]
## GRanges object with 31193 ranges and 4 metadata columns:
##           seqnames               ranges strand |        abbr            name    color_name
##              <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle> | <character>     <character>   <character>
##       [1]    chr10   [ 140201,  143800]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##       [2]    chr10   [ 806201,  807800]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##       [3]    chr10   [ 842001,  843800]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##       [4]    chr10   [1024601, 1027200]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##       [5]    chr10   [1191601, 1192600]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##       ...      ...                  ...    ... .         ...             ...           ...
##   [31189]     chrY [58883001, 58885400]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##   [31190]     chrY [58890001, 58891000]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##   [31191]     chrY [58906401, 58907200]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##   [31192]     chrY [58967401, 58972000]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##   [31193]     chrY [58997401, 59033600]      * |       9_Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise
##            color_code
##           <character>
##       [1]     #8A91D0
##       [2]     #8A91D0
##       [3]     #8A91D0
##       [4]     #8A91D0
##       [5]     #8A91D0
##       ...         ...
##   [31189]     #8A91D0
##   [31190]     #8A91D0
##   [31191]     #8A91D0
##   [31192]     #8A91D0
##   [31193]     #8A91D0
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 93 sequences (1 circular) from hg19 genome

Can you, using a TxDb package and the genes() and subsetByOverlaps() functions, determine how many genes overlap heterochromatic states, or the genes nearest() each enhancer?

1.2 biomaRt

Visit the biomart website and figure out how to browse data to retreive, e.g., genes on chromosmes 21 and 22. You’ll need to browse to the ensembl mart, Homo spaiens data set, establish filters for chromosomes 21 and 22, and then specify that you’d like the Ensembl gene id attribute returned.

Now do the same process in biomaRt:

head(listMarts(), 3)                      ## list marts
head(listDatasets(useMart("ensembl")), 3) ## mart datasets
ensembl <-                                ## fully specified mart
    useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")

head(listFilters(ensembl), 3)             ## filters
myFilter <- "chromosome_name"
substr(filterOptions(myFilter, ensembl), 1, 50) ## return values
myValues <- c("21", "22")
head(listAttributes(ensembl), 3)          ## attributes
myAttributes <- c("ensembl_gene_id","chromosome_name")

## assemble and query the mart
res <- getBM(attributes =  myAttributes, filters =  myFilter,
             values =  myValues, mart = ensembl)

2 Communicating results

2.1 Visualization

2.2 Markdown

2.3 Interactive applications: Shiny

3 Performance and big data

3.1 Efficient R code

The goal of this section is to highlight practices for writing correct, robust and efficient R code.

3.1.1 Priorities

  1. Correct: consistent with hand-worked examples (identical(), all.equal())
  2. Robust: supports realistic inputs, e.g., 0-length vectors, NA values, …
  3. Simple: easy to understand next month; easy to describe what it does to a colleague; easy to spot logical errors; easy to enhance.
  4. Fast, or at least reasonable given the speed of modern computers.

3.1.2 Strategies

  1. Profile
    • Look at the script to understand in general terms what it is doing.
    • Step through the code to see how it is executed, and to gain an understanding of the speed of each line.
    • Time evaluation of select lines or simple chunks of code with system.time() or the microbenchmark package.
    • Profile the code with a tool that indicates how much time is spent in each function call or line – the built-in Rprof() function, or packages such as lineprof or aprof
  2. Vectorize – operate on vectors, rather than explicit loops

    x <- 1:10
    log(x)     ## NOT for (i in seq_along(x)) x[i] <- log(x[i])
    ##  [1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 1.3862944 1.6094379 1.7917595 1.9459101 2.0794415 2.1972246
    ## [10] 2.3025851
  3. Pre-allocate memory, then fill in the result

    result <- numeric(10)
    result[1] <- runif(1)
    for (i in 2:length(result))
           result[i] <- runif(1) * result[i - 1]
    ##  [1] 3.441333e-01 6.069639e-02 2.268026e-02 1.419491e-03 1.792039e-04 1.242687e-04 4.268918e-05
    ##  [8] 4.236969e-05 4.437225e-06 3.167490e-07
  4. Hoist common sub-expressions outside of repeated calculations, so that the sub-expression is only calculated once
    • Simple, e.g., ‘hoist’ constant multiplications from a for loop
    • Higher-level, e.g., use rather than repeatedly fitting the same design matrix.
  5. Re-use existing, tested code
    • Efficient implementations of common operations – tabulate(), rowSums() and friends, %in%, …
    • Efficient domain-specific implementations, e.g., snpStats for GWAS linear models; limma for microarray linear models; edgeR, DESeq2 for negative binomial GLMs relevant to RNASeq.
    • Reuse others’ work – DESeq2, GenomicRanges, Biostrings, …, dplyr, data.table, Rcpp

3.1.3 Case Study: Pre-allocate and vectorize

Here’s an obviously inefficient function:

f0 <- function(n, a=2) {
    ## stopifnot(is.integer(n) && (length(n) == 1) &&
    ##           ! && (n > 0))
    result <- numeric()
    for (i in seq_len(n))
        result[[i]] <- a * log(i)

Use system.time() to investigate how this algorithm scales with n, focusing on elapsed time.

##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.116   0.000   0.114
n <- 1000 * seq(1, 20, 2)
t <- sapply(n, function(i) system.time(f0(i))[[3]])
plot(t ~ n, type="b")

Remember the current ‘correct’ value, and an approximate time

n <- 10000
system.time(expected <- f0(n))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.112   0.000   0.112
## [1] 0.000000 1.386294 2.197225 2.772589 3.218876 3.583519

Revise the function to hoist the common multiplier, a, out of the loop. Make sure the result of the ‘optimization’ and the original calculation are the same. Use the microbenchmark package to compare the two versions

f1 <- function(n, a=2) {
    result <- numeric()
    for (i in seq_len(n))
        result[[i]] <- log(i)
    a * result
identical(expected, f1(n))
## [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(f0(n), f1(n), times=5)
## Unit: milliseconds
##   expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval cld
##  f0(n) 101.6763 141.9907 134.4311 142.1036 142.8454 143.5394     5   a
##  f1(n) 102.2081 141.9909 134.3802 142.3994 142.5739 142.7289     5   a

Adopt a ‘pre-allocate and fill’ strategy

f2 <- function(n, a=2) {
    result <- numeric(n)
    for (i in seq_len(n))
        result[[i]] <- log(i)
    a * result
identical(expected, f2(n))
## [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(f0(n), f2(n), times=5)
## Unit: milliseconds
##   expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval cld
##  f0(n) 104.145114 142.395721 135.414263 142.434957 143.815981 144.279540     5   b
##  f2(n)   6.604505   6.707636   6.862423   6.908245   6.950165   7.141563     5  a

Use an *apply() function to avoid having to explicitly pre-allocate, and make opportunities for vectorization more apparent.

f3 <- function(n, a=2)
    a * sapply(seq_len(n), log)

identical(expected, f3(n))
## [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(f0(n), f2(n), f3(n), times=10)
## Unit: milliseconds
##   expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval cld
##  f0(n) 101.765217 141.698686 181.256096 142.881494 145.519752 565.655864    10   b
##  f2(n)   6.476120   6.575258   7.189349   6.704238   7.097990   9.449406    10  a 
##  f3(n)   2.975692   3.113096   3.342878   3.305314   3.562432   3.828177    10  a

Now that the code is presented in a single line, it is apparent that it could be easily vectorized. Seize the opportunity to vectorize it:

f4 <- function(n, a=2)
    a * log(seq_len(n))
identical(expected, f4(n))
## [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(f0(n), f3(n), f4(n), times=10)
## Unit: microseconds
##   expr       min         lq        mean     median         uq        max neval cld
##  f0(n) 99705.017 102091.968 129560.0144 141659.351 142267.701 142727.076    10   b
##  f3(n)  3000.622   3148.994   7250.2057   3218.886   3305.377  43790.584    10  a 
##  f4(n)   205.374    209.281    228.5647    229.648    246.669    259.864    10  a

f4() definitely seems to be the winner. How does it scale with n? (Repeat several times)

n <- 10 ^ (5:8)                         # 100x larger than f0
t <- sapply(n, function(i) system.time(f4(i))[[3]])
plot(t ~ n, log="xy", type="b")

Any explanations for the different pattern of response?

Lessons learned:

  1. Vectorizing offers a huge improvement over iteration
  2. Pre-allocate-and-fill is very helpful when explicit iteration is required.
  3. *apply() functions help avoid need for explicit pre-allocation and make opportunities for vectorization more apparent. This may come at a small performance cost, but is generally worth it
  4. Hoisting common sub-expressions can be helpful for improving performance when explicit iteration is required.

3.2 Parallel evaluation

When data are too large to fit in memory, we can iterate through files in chunks or subset the data by fields or genomic positions.



Parallel evalutation

BiocParallel provides a standardized interface for simple parallel evaluation. The package builds provides access to the snow and multicore functionality in the parallel package as well as BatchJobs for running cluster jobs.

General ideas:

3.2.1 Exercise: Sleeping serially and in parallel

This small example motivates the use of parallel execution and demonstrates how bplapply() can be a drop in for lapply.

Use system.time() to explore how long this takes to execute as n increases from 1 to 10. Use identical() and microbenchmark to compare alternatives f0() and f1() for both correctness and performance.

fun sleeps for 1 second, then returns i.


fun <- function(i) {

## serial
f0 <- function(n)
    lapply(seq_len(n), fun)

## parallel
f1 <- function(n)
    bplapply(seq_len(n), fun)